Page 35 - Gateways_Summer2024_Neat
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Cooperative breeding
                                                                                                 diversity wo we might have 500 species at the zoo but we work with
                                                                                             other facilities that have the same species and work to –frame as a positive that we
                                                                                          work collaboratively with these other zoos and aquariums to over breeding programs in order
                                                                                        to maintain genetic diversity and have a sustainable pop. Even tho one facility doesn’t have enough
                                                                                      room for all of them, we work with other zoos that together we have enough space to manage that species.i

                                                                                   Benefits of       programs, moving animals between zoos to maintain genetic

           Managing Flocks                                                         Cooperative
           Most of the birds at Brookfield Zoo Chicago are social                  Management
           species. In the wild, many birds are in groups for                         Cotton‑top tamarins, a species
           protection, said Cody Hickman, associate director of Avian              of small South American monkey,
           Care and Conservation. “Most of our habitats are multi‑                 live in small family groups led by
           species habitats with big groups of birds.” They include                a breeding pair that mates for life.
           Tropic World, The Swamp, and the aviaries in Reptiles and               When Sebastian, a cotton‑top tamarin
           Birds and Feathers and Scales.                                          in Tropic World: South America, lost
              Before introducing new birds, particularly smaller birds,            his mate, he wasn’t alone for too long.
           into an aviary, Hickman and his team take a number of                   A new partner, Betty, arrived from
           steps to ensure the birds will be successful in their new               Houston Zoo after losing her mate.
           setting. “We rarely ever put a bird into a new habitat by              “Zoos will do that if there is a loss of
           itself,” he said. “That one bird is not going to have the best          a highly social animal,” said Daniels.
           life by itself—that’s not their nature. We put them in as                  Animals are also moved between
           pairs or in same‑sex groups.”                                           institutions because of SSP breeding
              These decisions are based on his experience working                  recommendations. As one of the 237
           with birds, and the natural history of the species, said                zoos and aquariums accredited by the
           Hickman. For particular species, such as the turquoise                  Association of Zoos and Aquariums
           tanager, multiple males are not added to the same aviary                (AZA), Brookfield Zoo Chicago
           at the same time. “The turquoise tanager is a beautiful little          participates in their cooperative
           bird, but the males don’t get along. If you put two males in            animal management programs,
           there together, they’re going to fight.”                                including the Species Survival Plan®
                                                                                   (SSP) programs. SSPs facilitate the
                                                                                   breeding and management of entire
                                                                                   populations of animals throughout
                                                                                   AZA‑accredited institutions.
                                                                                      An SSP is a cooperative population
                                                                                   management and conservation
                                                                                   program for select species in
                                                    KIRK'S                         accredited North American zoos
                                                                                   and aquariums. Each plan manages
                                                                                   the breeding of a species to maintain
                                                                                   a healthy and self‑sustaining
                                                                                   population that is both genetically
                                                                                   diverse and demographically stable.

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