Page 36 - Gateways_Summer2024_Neat
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           Knowing which species are compatible is also important.   brown bears are typically solitary, with the exception of a mother
        Besides relying on their years of experience, Hickman and his team   with her cubs, said Wanner. But there are no plans to separate
        consult a list of compatible species. For example, to avoid putting   Tim and Jess when they become adults because there is no need to
        a lone bird into an aviary, they may pair it with a “buddy” of a   breed brown bears in zoos, he said. “Tim and Jess will have a more
        compatible species. “We may put a turquoise tanager in an aviary   fulfilled life if they are able to stay together and have each other,”
        with a blue‑neck tanager. We’ve found the blue‑neck and the   said Wanner. Some form of birth control will be used to prevent
        turquoise are very compatible together.”                them from producing offspring.
                                                                  Animal habitats can be designed to create spaces that solitary
        Sharing Space                                           animals can comfortably share. Bornean orangutans, which are
        Animals that are solitary in the wild can adjust to living in a    solitary in the wild, often live in groups in zoos. The orangutan
        habitat with other animals, especially if they are young, were   habitat in Tropic World has several private hideaways where an
        reared together, or are siblings. The temperament of an individual   individual animal can get away from the group when it desires.
        animal can also make it more or less likely to adjust to sharing a   A partition was installed in Koalas! the new koala habitat at
        habitat with others.                                   Hamill Family Play Zoo. Koalas are a solitary species. The two male
           Siblings Tim and Jess, our male and female brown bear cubs,   koalas have adjoining habitats, but cannot see each other. The
        were rescued together after being orphaned in the wild. Adult   addition of plants, rocks, and logs to animal habitats can serve a
                                                                similar purpose.
                                                                  There are other ways for animals to share a space. In the past,
                                                                two Amur tigers shared an outdoor habitat, but not at the same
                                                                time. Each tiger had use of the habitat on a rotating basis.

                                                                  At Brookfield Zoo Chicago, we are committed to continuous
                                                                   improvement in the welfare and well‑being of our animals.
                                                                       Keeping them in groupings that meet their social and
                                                                          welfare needs is an important part of these efforts.

                                                                   POLAR BEAR

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