Page 26 - Fiscal 2022 Impact Report
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Tucker, S., Archibald, K., Cohen, E. B., Sommer, S.,   Woodburn, D. B., Kinsel, M. J., Poll, C. P., Langan, J.   Barleycorn, A. A. (2021, May 20). Vaquita CPR overview.
        Keene, B. W., Minter, L. J., & Delk, K. W. (2022). What is   N., Haman, K., Gamble, K. C., Maddox, C., Jeon, A. B.,   Marine Mammals class, New College of Florida,
        your diagnosis? Atherosclerosis in a flamingo. Journal of   Wellehan, J. F. X., Ossiboff, R. J., Allender, M. C., & Terio,   Sarasota, FL, United States.
        Avian Medicine and Surgery, 35(4), 486-493.   K. A. (2021). Shell lesions associated with Emydomyces     testavorans infection in freshwater aquatic turtles.   Bassos-Hull, K. (2021, October 18, 19, 21).  Ray and
                                             Veterinary Pathology, 58(3), 578-586.   dolphin research and conservation in Florida [Presentation
        Vincent, E. C., Fries, R., & Allender, M. C. (2021). Effect  with associated classroom activities]. Saba Island Middle
        of body position on echocardiographic parameters in                      School and high school classes, Saba Conservation
        prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). Journal of Zoo and   Würsig, B., Jefferson, T. A., Silber, G. S., & Wells, R. S.   Foundation after-school youth snorkel club, Saba Island,
        Wildlife Medicine, 52(2), 742-748.   (2021). Vaquita: Beleaguered porpoise of the Gulf of   Dutch Carribean.    California, Mexico. Therya, 12(2), 187-206.
                                       Bassos-Hull, K. (2022, February 12). Tagged
        Watson, M. K., Langan, J. N.*, Allender, M.C.,                                  animal detections at clam restoration sites in
        Cardeña, M., Cárdenas-Alayza, S., & Adkesson,                                   Sarasota Bay, Florida [Poster presentation].
        M. J. (2021). Health assessment of Guanay                                       Sarasota Bay Watch Scallopalooza, Sarasota,
        cormorant (Phalacrocorax bougainvillii)                                         FL, United States.
        and Peruvian pelican (Pelecanus thagus)
        populations at Punta San Juan, Peru. Journal of                                 Bassos-Hull, K. (2022, February 24). Connecting
        Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 52(3), 975-985.                                      for conservation: Research on dolphins and                                             marine rays in the Gulf of Mexico, Western
         * Resident from the Illinois Zoological and Aquatic                            Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. [Presentation].
          Animal Residency Program                                                      Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Galapagos
                                                                                        Science Center, San Cristobal, Galapagos.
        Webb, J. K., Keller, K. A., Chinnadurai, S. K.,
        Kadotani, S., Allender, M. C., & Fries, R. (2021).                              Bassos-Hull, K., & Boggio-Pasqua, A.
        Optimizing the pharmacodynamics and        CZS Lif e  T rustee,  J im B r amsen (le ft )   (2021, October 18). “Ray”sing awareness on
                                                   CZS Life Trustee, Jim Bramsen (left)
        evaluating cardiogenic effects of the injectable   and CZS  V ic e Chair  Be ts y  B r amsen ( righ t ),   rays—How citizen scientists help with ray
                                                   and CZS Vice Chair Betsy Bramsen (right),
        anesthetic alfaxalone in prairie rattlesnakes   celebrate Dr. Stuart Strahl (center)   conservation efforts [Presentation]. Sea and
                                                                     ahl (
                                                              tuart S
                                                        ate D
                                                            . S
                                                   at his retirement dinner.
        (Crotalus viridis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine,   at his r e tir emen t dinner .  Learn Series, Elder Life Center, Saba Island,
        52(4), 1105-1112.                                                               Dutch Caribbean.
                                             Invited Lectures: Public,           Bassos-Hull, K., & Boggio-Pasqua, A. (2021, October 19).
        Wells, R. S., Cremer, M. J., Berninsone, L. G., Albareda,   University, and School  “Ray”sing awareness on rays—How citizen scientists help
        D., Wilkinson, K. A., Stamper, M. A., Paitach, R. L.,                    with ray conservation efforts [Presentation]. Sea and Learn
        & Bordino, P. (2021). Tagging, ranging patterns   Allen, J. (2022, January 12). The dolphins of Sarasota   Series, Saba Island, Dutch Caribbean.
        and behavior of franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia   Bay: Lessons from 50 years of research and conservation
        blainvillei) off Argentina and Brazil: Considerations for   [Virtual presentation]. For Dr. Kerfoot biology class,   Bassos-Hull, K., McHugh, K., & Henderson, D. (2021,
        conservation. Marine Mammal Science, 1-35.   Union University, Jackson, TN, United States.  December 4). Knock knock...Who’s there? Audio and video                                        research technologies to better understand marine animal
                                             Allen, J. B. (2021, June 29). Dolphins! Why are they   presence in our oceans [Presentation]. Youth Ocean
        Williams, R., Lacy, R. C., Ashe, E., Hall, A., Plourde, S.,   important, how does SDRP study them, and how can   Conservation Summit, Mote Marine Laboratory, Sarasota,
        McQuinn, I. H., & Lesage, V. (2021). Climate change   people protect them [Virtual presentation]. SEA Trek   FL, United States.
        complicates efforts to ensure survival and recovery   virtual summer camp hosted by Mote Marine Lab,
        of St. Lawrence Estuary beluga. Marine Pollution   Loggerhead Marinelife Center and FPL Manatee   Bassos-Hull, K., & Mote High School Research Experience
        Bulletin 173.                        Lagoon. Recording available— Y:\SDRP General\  Interns (2022, February 9). Build-A-BRUVS! Methodologies  Posters and Presentations\Allen SEA Trek.   of baited video surveys in Sarasota, FL [Poster presentation].
                                                                                 Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL, United States.
        Willis, T. J., Adamovicz, L., Kessler, E., DiGeronimo, P.   Allen, J. B. (2021, July 21). FinBase overview and
        M., & Allender, M. C. (2021). Absence of herpesvirus   application to the long-term Sarasota Bay dataset   Bassos-Hull, K., & Mote High School Research Experience
        in a survey of alligator snapping turtles (Macrochelys   [Virtual presentation]. For Robin Perrtree (perrtreer@  Interns (2022, February 9). Sounds in Sarasota Bay collected
        temminckii) in Illinois and Louisiana. Journal of, Lab Manager, Savannah State   with GoPros on Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems
        Herpetological Medicine and Surgery, 31(1), 43-47.   University Dolphin Sciences Laboratory, Savannah,   (BRUVS) [Poster presentation]. Mote Marine Lab, Sarasota,  Georgia, United States.             FL, United States.
        Willis, T. J., Kelly, M., Adamovicz, L., & Allender, M.   Allen, J. B. (2021, September 28). FinBase overview   Bassos-Hull, K., & Mote High School Research Experience
        C. (2022). Enhancing chelonian health assessments   and application to the long-term Sarasota Bay   Interns (2022, February 9). Fish and invertebrate species
        by determining agreement in pathogen detection   dataset [Virtual presentation]. For Dr. Krista van der   identified at Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems
        between sampling sites using quantitative PCR. Journal   Linde (, Marine Species   (BRUVS) in Sarasota Bay [Poster presentation]. Mote
        of Wildlife Diseases, 58(2), 399-403.   Programme Manager, WWF New Zealand.   Marine Lab, Sarasota, FL, United States.
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