Page 10 - Gateways_2017_Fall
P. 10

Dr. Tom Meehan (left) and
 Caption to come.
                       Dr. Sathya Chinnadurai consult on
                       a case at the Chicago Zoological
                       Society’s high-tech CT scanner.
        News Bites continued

                                                                           Where We Shine
                                                                           We are thrilled to announce an enlightening change at
                                                                           Brookfield Zoo. We were recently awarded a $300,000
                                                                donation from Green Mountain Energy Sun Club® to update and install
                                                                lighting throughout the park.
                                                                 Currently, many areas are unlit for evening events like Holiday Magic.
                                                               To ensure guest safety, our staff spends hours mounting LED lights
                                                                on trees, buildings, and poles to brighten pathways in areas of heavy
                                                                foot traffic. We will use the Sun Club® donation to install nearly 50
                                                                permanent energy-efficient LED lights around our park, including the
                                                                replacement of older light poles outside the North Gate tunnel.
                                                                 The installation of the lighting system will ensure
                                                                that you can have more nighttime fun at the zoo—
                                                                and a truly illuminating experience. To learn more
                                                                about the Sun Club,® visit

                                                                 Zoo-based scientists already have begun developing techniques that
                                                                add to our knowledge about pangolins. The more we learn, the better
                                            WHITEBELLIED       we can contribute to the conservation of all pangolin species.
                                            TREE PANGOLINS
                                                                 In addition to our research here, Consortium members are

        CONSERVATION  Tipping the Scales                        collaborating with zoologists and graduate students from the
                                                                University of Lomé in the West African country of Togo to develop
                   About the size of a housecat, pangolins are gentle   in-country research programs and conservation solutions. In the future,
                   and solitary—and the only mammal on Earth covered   the Consortium will be funding grants to encourage local biologists
        completely in scales. Unfortunately, many people desire their scales   there to help conserve the animals and to educate and engage local
        for jewelry, believe their armor is the source of medicinal properties,   communities to protect wild pangolin populations.
        or consider their meat a delicacy. Pangolins are the most hunted and   White-bellied tree pangolins in particular are native to Togo, and in
        trafficked animal species in the world, with an estimated 297 killed each   the past year, 50 of these animals have taken residence in participating
        day. When threatened, they roll up into a tight, nearly impenetrable ball,   Consortium institutions, including 13 at Brookfield Zoo. (One is currently
        and people simply pick them up.                         on exhibit in HABITAT AFRICA! THE FOREST.) The zoos in the Consortium are
          In 2016, international trade of these animals was banned. Just this   able to educate their combined 7.6 million visitors about the plight of
        past January, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature   pangolins and ways to protect these animals in the wild.
        (IUCN) declared that all eight of the world’s pangolin species are   We took a leading role in developing the Consortium and how it
        threatened with extinction.                             operates because of our interest in the species. We also significantly
          For these reasons, the Chicago Zoological Society recently led   contribute to the science of pangolin husbandry because of our unique
        the development of a Pangolin Consortium. We and the other six   holistic approach to management of animals through our Center for
        organizations in the Consortium—Columbus Zoo and Aquarium,   the Science of Animal Care and Welfare. The Center combines one
        Gladys Porter Zoo, Memphis Zoo, Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium,   of the few endocrinology labs in a North American zoo, a nutrition
        Turtle Back Zoo, and the nonprofit Pangolin Conservation—are   department headed up by a Ph.D. nutritionist, one of the best medical
        focusing our resources on establishing a sustainable population of   imaging facilities of any zoo in the world, a leading reproductive
        pangolins under professional care to aid in better understanding their   veterinarian specialist (see page 14), world-recognized welfare
        behavior and physiology and to support field conservation efforts.  specialists, and an environmental quality specialist.
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