Page 13 - Gateways_2017_Fall
P. 13

with Caregivers

               Get to Know Two Experts Who Provide Exceptional Welfare

                                             rookfield Zoo animals are    specialties in both zoological medicine and
                                             under the care of a veterinary   anesthesia, and Dr. Julie Balko, a fellow
                                             team that is extraordinary in   in our veterinary program, has completed
                                     B the zoo and aquarium world.        a residency in veterinary anesthesia
                                     The goals of the veterinary work here are   andanalgesia.
                                     many and broad: to provide a superior   As veterinary medicine continues
                                     level of care to our animals, to advance   to advance, it is difficult for clinical
                                     standards for zoological medicine for all   veterinarians to excel, let alone be true
                                     animal-holding institutions, to positively   experts, in all fields. Our diversity of talent
                                     impact conservation efforts, and to provide   makes the entire team stronger, enabling
                                     powerful connections for our guests. Our   us to provide the highest level of animal
                                     team unfailingly advances the science of   care. If a Brookfield Zoo animal takes
                                     zoological medicine in these ways.   ill, it has the benefit of an anesthesiologist
                                        Dr. Mike Adkesson, vice president   monitoring it during an exam, a specialist
                                     of clinical medicine, heads our team of   interpreting diagnostic imaging results,
                                     10 hospital staff and seven veterinarians.   and a clinician working on treatment in a
                                     Four of our doctors are board-certified   hands-on way. While each team member
                                     specialists in zoo and wildlife medicine,   brings his or her own unique skill set and
                                     and two of those four—Adkesson and Dr.   experience, the entire team works together
                                     Jennifer Langan—have board certifications   to provide the highest quality of medicine.
                                     from both the American College of      We would like to introduce you to the
                                     Zoological Medicine and the European   two newest members of our veterinary
                                     College of Zoological Medicine.      team: Dr. Marina Ivančić, the only zoo-
                                        While zoo medicine is considered a   based board-certified veterinary radiologist
                                     specialty within veterinary medicine as   in the world, and Dr. Copper Aitken-
                                     a whole, the Chicago Zoological Society   Palmer, who, in addition to her doctor
                                     is unique because our team also includes   of veterinary medicine degree, has also
                                     experts who specialize even further.   earned a Ph.D. in animal sciences and is a
                                     Dr. Sathya Chinnadurai is the only   specialized expert in reproductive sciences.
                                     veterinarian in the country with board

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