Page 22 - Gateways_2017_Fall
P. 22

Sarasota Dolphin Research Program   continued

        THE SURVEY SAYS...
        Fundamentally, to learn about marine
        mammals, you have to be able to see
        them. The marine habitat is not conducive   sighting one usually means finding a   to what amounts to an
        to effective identification of individual   group, occasionally with as many as 20   in-depth portrait of the
        dolphins, which can look the same when   individuals. Survey teams photograph and   bottlenose dolphins living in
        they briefly surface at a distance and   identify dozens of dolphins a day. With   Sarasota Bay—their social groupings
        disappear completely when they submerge,   each encounter, a team also records not   and behaviors within these groupings,
        at least from the perspective of those on   just who is in a group but also information   their habitat use and communication
        a boat. That’s why the Sarasota program   such as the activities in which the dolphins   capabilities, and how long they live,
        has applied and refined techniques in   are engaging; whether a group includes   among other statistics. Based on this
        identifying, photographing, and cataloging   any new calves; new injuries or health   wealth of knowledge, the staff of the
        natural dorsal fin nicks and notches,   concerns; whether they are interacting with   Sarasota Dolphin Research Program are
        which act almost like a fingerprint, or   people; and water depth and temperature   considered one of the world’s go-to sources
        humanely tagging others that have no   and other environmental conditions.  for any researcher or wildlife manager
        natural identifiers on their dorsal fin.      The surveys are not the end game in   requiring background on the species.
           Surveys are conducted for 10 days   and of themselves. Thanks to the long-
        out of the month, all year long. During   term, continuous, and consistent use of
        each survey, program staff, trained   surveys, Wells and his team have decades   Top: Scientists observe dolphins from the
        volunteers, and interns spend most of a   of invaluable data on these animals, both   tower of the research vessel Nai’a.
                                                                                        Inset right: Radio-tracking helps researchers
        day searching for dolphins along a fixed   as individuals and in group settings. Over   monitor dolphins released after rescue.
        route. Since dolphins are social animals,   many years, eachdata point has added   Right: Bottlenose dolphins in Sarasota Bay use
                                                                                        avariety of habitats, including shallow sandbars
                                                                                        along narrow passes separating barrier islands.

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