Page 35 - Gateways_2017_Fall
P. 35

Popular Playthings

                                                                          Decades ago, we thought giving a bear a ball was
                                                                          a good way to keep it active. Now we know that
                                                                          a ball may not be the most meaningful or helpful
 TRY THIS AT HOME                                                         activity for the bear. Today at Brookfield Zoo,
                                                                          we keep pace with new research and knowledge
                                                                          about animals (see the next page) and make
                                                                          adjustments based on findings.
                                                                             We place peanut butter high up on the wall of
                                                                          the orangutan habitat. ese primates use twigs
                                                                          and branches from the browse they eat as a tool to
                                                                          reach the peanut butter.
                                                                             Red pandas check and recheck a tree in
                                                                          their habitat. A hidden sliding door occasionally
                                                                          features a treat.
                                                                             Giant anteaters poke their snout into an
                                                                          automatic feeder disguised as an anthill or
                                                                          termite mound. Sometimes they nd food,
                                                                          sometimesthey don’t.
                                                                             We make sure our Madagascar
                                                                          hissing cockroaches have materials
                                                                          inwhich toburrow.
        For Your Pet

        Automatic feeders enable pet
        owners to automatically dispense
        food at different times of day
        instead of ringing the dinner
        bellevery evening at 5:00 p.m.

        In the wild, cats scratch trees. In your home,
        they stay busy with scratching posts. Movement
        also transfixes cats. Give them a cozy spot by the window
        for optimal squirrelandbirdviewing.
                                                                      Orangutans are known to
        Give your dog a walk instead of sending him or her to the yard.   use tools to achieve goals
        Dogssniffing the neighborhood use their senses and intellect to   such as retrieving food.
        gather information about recent visitors, plus they can leave their
        ownmark, providing information for the next dog.

        Offer activity for when you are away from home. Provide a scent trail
        for your pup. Before you set out in the morning, when the pup isn’t
        looking, drag one of his or her favorite treats across the floor. Instead
        of idly waiting for the mailman, the pup will activate canine senses
        tofind the treat.

        Try placing a nontoxic floating object in your fishbowl and see how
        your fish interact.

        At his own home, Tim Sullivan, our head of animal behavior, built
        an elaborate multitunnel warren out of PVC for his pet guinea pigs.
        It contains plenty of Y-joints so furry friends can make choices.

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