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News Bites
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Mask Appeal RED PANDA
ARRIVAL Three years ago, it was an exciting first Our new resident was born at Boise Zoo and was raised
by his mother, meaning he did not have much experience
when Brookfield Zoo added red pandas working with animal care staff when he came to Brookfield
to our family for the first time as part of the opening of Zoo last winter. Our staff worked slowly—and used a lot of
Hamill Family Wild Encounters. positive reinforcement—to get him comfortable interacting
with animal care specialists in his new home.
Now, there will potentially be another exciting first: a
1-year-old male red panda has joined the zoo as a breeding The introduction to Beatrix also took time. First, the two
recommendation for Beatrix, our female red panda. If red pandas were kept separated, and just had visual access to
breeding is successful, it will be Brookfield Zoo’s first red each other. Then, they took turns in the exhibit, getting used
panda birth. to each other’s scents.
The breeding recommendation comes from our Now, both red pandas can be seen on exhibit in Wild
participation in the Association of Zoos and Aquariums’ Encounters. It’s easy to tell them apart—Beatrix’s face is
Species Survival Plan (SSP) for red pandas (SSPs help ensure primarily white, which is unusual for red pandas. The male
the survival of select species in zoos and aquariums, most of has the more “traditional” red panda look with reddish-
which are threatened or endangered in the wild). Red pandas brown “tear tracks” running across his face. He is also a bit
are listed as endangered according to the International Union more animated than Beatrix—she’s more laid-back and
for Conservation of Nature, primarily due to habitat loss and mellow. He’s more likely to be seen frolicking or playing in
hunting for trade. the exhibit. They certainly make an adorable pair!