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News Bites


                                   Scaling Up Security

                           Brookfield Zoo’s pangolins are helping combat poaching.
                              These shy, cat-size mammals are the most illegally trafficked animal in the

                             world—the International Union for Conservation of Nature estimates that
                              since 2000, more than one million pangolins have been trafficked, as their
                               meat and scales are in high demand for their supposed health benefits.

                                Because of this, these animals have become incredibly rare, both in the
                                wild and in institutions.

                                                                                         Depiction of a pangolin (left)
                                                                                        and a close-up look at
                                                                                         pangolin scales (far left).

                                          Brookfield Zoo is one of the few institutions accredited by the
                                        Association of Zoos and Aquariums to house this fascinating
                                         mammal (we currently have 11 white-bellied pangolins behind

                                          the scenes and one on exhibit in Habitat Africa! The Forest), which
                                           is why U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) recently turned to us
                                            for help in detecting pangolin scales that might be entering the
                                            U.S. illegally.

                                                Animal care staff collected some of our pangolins’ scales—
                                              which regularly break or chip off—and donated them to FWS
                                               to help in the training of their “wildlife detector dogs.” These

                                                four-legged sleuths each work with a specific handler to
                                                 sniff out smuggled items in luggage, packages, and cargo
                                                  at airports and post offices. There is currently a dog-and-

                                                  handler team at O’Hare International Airport, along with
                                                   teams in Los Angeles; Anchorage; Miami; Houston;
                                                    Hawaii; and San Juan, Puerto Rico.

                                                        For the dogs, the training is more fun than work.
                                                      They receive plenty of positive reinforcement, along
                                                       with a treat when they detect a hidden item, and

                                                        sniffing the different items provides them with
                                                        important mental and physical stimulation.

                                                            These dogs have previously been trained to
                                                          catch the scent of elephant, rhino, python, sea
                                                           horse, and sea turtle items. Our contribution

                                                            of pangolin scales will help them add this
                                                             frequently hunted creature to their list. These
                                                              dogs’ superior noses—and their practice with

                                                               our scales—will hopefully become a powerful
                                                               deterrent to anyone thinking of trafficking
                                                              pangolin scales. █

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