Page 16 - Gateways_2018_summer_RGB_Neat
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NEW!                                            Some of these stories are centuries
                                              old. According to popular legend, a
Brookfield Zoo’s new two-                     spider was responsible for the success
part summer exhibit provides                  of Robert the Bruce, who was king of
guests with the chance to                     Scotland in the 1300s. England and
learn more about some of                      Scotland were at war, and Scotland
the world’s most fascinating                  was losing. After being beaten by
creatures, both big and small.                English forces several times in a row,
                                              Robert the Bruce hid in a cave, where
Close Encounters                              he observed a spider trying to spin
of the 8-Legged Kind                          a web. The spider initially failed to
                                              connect its web across the cave, but it
They’re prevalent in our movies, music,       did not give up. On one of its many
and books. They’ve played a role in the       tries, the spider succeeded, giving
development of certain medicines, and         Robert the Bruce the confidence to
the military has looked to them for help      try again—and he then went on to
in creating stronger bulletproof vests.       defeat the English army.
Without them to control the insect
population, it would be hard to grow              Hearing stories such as these
crops, and we could face famine.              may provide visitors with a new
                                              appreciation for just how closely
    These creatures certainly sound           arachnids and humans have been
important. Yet, more often than not,          intertwined throughout history.
they end up getting a bad rap.
                                                  Guests can also get a feel for what
   What are they? Spiders!                    life is like as an arachnid. They are
    The Art & Science of Arachnids,           able to weave their own web with a
which is one half of Amazing                  giant model of an orb-weaver spider
Arachnids, encourages guests to               and control a video image of a
think a little differently about these        tarantula, coordinating its eight legs
exceptional creatures, along with             to help it walk backward and forward
other arachnids such as scorpions.            at different speeds. It’s trickier than it
    In addition to showcasing 100 live        might seem.
arachnids, the exhibit explores the
connections that humans have with                And those bulletproof vests
arachnids in film, literature, and music.     that spiders are helping to create?
    Guests might be familiar with some        After learning about the types and
of these connections: Spider-Man’s web        properties of spider silk, visitors
shooters and “spidey sense” have become       can try on a traditional Kevlar
iconic in today’s pop culture. But people     bulletproof vest to see just how
might not realize just how deeply—or for      strong spider silk really is.
how long—spiders have been ingrained in
human culture. In addition to influencing         Guests can find Amazing
popular superheroes today, spiders have       Arachnids’ Art & Science of
long been present in many cultures’ legends,  Arachnids exhibit on Brookfield
stories, and traditions.                      Zoo’s West Mall (located just north
                                              of Tropic World and west of
16 GATEWAYS | THRILLS AND CHILLS              Roosevelt Fountain). It is scheduled
                                              to open on May 26.

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                                                            for sponsoring the Dig Box.
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