Page 46 - Annual Report 2022
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NPL Construction Co.      $5,000 TO $9,999           Andi and Jim Gordon,      Molex LLC
                                          Office of Naval Research - Code 32  Anonymous (10)    The Edgewater Funds      Moller Family Foundation
                                          Old National Bank         Airport Electric Co.       Russell M. Evans          Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Mulcahy
                                          Al and Amy Ottens         The Allyn Foundation, Inc.  Janet and David Ezekiel   Mr. and Mrs. John M. Muno, Jr.
                                          Cathie A. Overmyer and Craig F. Overmyer  Mr. *  and Mrs. Nicholas S. Amatangelo  Katie and Josh Feagans  Mr. James G. Murphy
                                          Peoples Gas Community Fund at the   Amazon           Dr. Lisa C. Freeman and    National Oceanic and Atmospheric
                                            Chicago Community Foundation  Ardmore Roderick      Dr. Douglas R. Rose        Administration
                                          Pepper Family Foundation   Auckland Zoo              Fulling Motor USA, Inc.   Nationwide Transportation, Inc.
                                          The Peterson Family       Suzanne G. & Wesley R. Baker  Fundación Oceanogràfic  Michele and G. Douglas Needham
                                          Ms. Linda Peterson        Dr. Nicholas M. Bernthal MD  Marion H. Giles         Ms. Edwina M. Nelon
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery Pfluger  Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Besio  Mr. and Mrs. James D. Giovannini  New College of Florida
                                          Rita M. Witkowski and Brian D. Ranallo  Sharon and William Betts  Verónica Gómez and    Northern Illinois Steel Supply Co.
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Theodore E. Reichardt  Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Bornhoeft  Jeffrey Bushofsky Family  Northrop Grumman
                                          Terri and Michael Reyes   Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Brickman  Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Gora  Tamara and Michael Olszewski
                                          Betty Rigsby and Fran Holbrook  Bonnie J. Brown and James E. Murphy  Greater Kansas City Community   The Pepper Companies, Inc.
                                          Saganaga Corporation      Mr. Ryan P. Carter and      Foundation               The Peters Family Foundation
                                          Saint Louis Zoo             Mrs. Erin K. Brown-Carter  HALO Branded Solutions  Helen & Curtis Pinnell Foundation
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Sander   Dana A. Buoscio and John P. Szewezyk  Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hein  Pipe Strong LLC
            James and Esther Bryan at Wines in the Wild  Mr. and Mrs. Steven I. Sarowitz  Ms. Lori Chassee  Ms. Nancy L. Hencke  Ms. Andrea Redmond
                                                                                               The Hidden Gardens
                                          Leigh and John Sasser     Bonny Chen and Jim Olguin  Nancy and Bob Hoel        Mrs. Clyde W. Reighard
           “The Master Plan               Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sawin  Mr. and Mrs. John Ciciora  Horejsi Charitable Foundation, Inc.  Revolution Brewing
                                                                                                                         Rimerman Family Foundation
                                          Mrs. Joanne Schalk
                                                                    William J. Clancy Foundation
            underscores Brookfield Zoo’s   Larry and Melanie *  Schimka  Clearwater Marine Aquarium  Gerald and Laurie Janiak  Mr. and Mrs. Gene V. Rintels
                                                                                               Lamar and Lisa Johnson
            commitment to providing       Ms. Kathy L. Schleicher   CNA Insurance              Linda R. Kahn             Mr. and Mrs. James W. Ritt
                                                                                                                         S&C Electric Company
                                          Dr. Scholl Foundation
                                                                    Collins Family Heritage Foundation
                                                                                               Sandy Kappeler
            extraordinary guest           Mr. Howard B. Simpson     Columbus Zoo and Aquarium  Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Keiser  Traci and Joseph Schofield
                                          Kathryn and James Sperlak
                                                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Scudder
                                                                    The Patrick and Anna M. Cudahy Fund
            experiences. Our campus       SSA Group Brookfield Zoo  Ms. Patricia Davis         Mr. Rodney G. Kitick and    Ida Sharpe Foundation
                                                                                                Ms. Debra Benjamin
            will be reinvigorated with    Taipei Zoo                Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. DeSantiago  Krajewski Partners  Brian Silbernagel and Teresa Snider
                                          The Schmidgall Family Foundation
                                                                                                                         Silbrico Corporation
                                                                    Anne and Berardo DeSimone
                                                                                               Dr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Kron
            state-of-the-art facilities,    Veterinary Emergency &    Mr. Gregory J. DiDomenico and    Loretta and Eugene *  Kucharczyk  Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Skender, Jr.
                                            Critical Care Society
                                                                      Mr. Patrick Oberle
                                                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Skodon
            reimagined transportation,    Ms. Kathleen D. Vogt      Ms. Zena D. Diggs          Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lande  Mr. and Mrs. David B. Smith
                                                                                               Liberty Mutual
            and increased animal          A. Montgomery Ward Foundation  Mary Barnes Donnelley    Dr. and Mrs. Alan J. Magerkurth  Marie Spinozzi-Marotta
                                          Ms. Patricia A. Ward
                                                                      Family Foundation
                                                                                                                         Melissa and Stuart Strahl
            encounters.”                  Richard and Marlene Williams  Reuben S. Donnelley    Allan L. Maca Foundation   Mrs. Ira A. Taylor
                                                                                               Casimir and Caroline Matras
                                          Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP  Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Duckworth  Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. McManus  Mary and Bill Thonn
           —Jim Bryan, CZS Trustee        Wisconsin Dells Visitor &    Mrs. Carol K. Dugan     Memphis Zoological Society  Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Timmers
                                            Convention Bureau
                                                                    Darryl A. Dupré Inc.
                                                                                                                         United Airlines
                                          Mr. John Zavislak         Jeanne and Darryl Dupré    Mr. *  and Mrs. Lawrence Mendius  Pamela and David Waud
                                                                    Lois Ebinger *             Mr. and Mrs. Ira Mirochnick  Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Weaver
                                                                    Mr. and Mrs. Louis M. Ebling III  Modern Mill Solar
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