Page 48 - Annual Report 2022
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Ms. Barbara Gavin Shapiro  Mr. and Mrs. Jerome M. Johnson  Holly and Edward Mann  Ted and Sarah Peto
                                          Mrs. Dolores Gentile      Mr. and Mrs. Raymond R. Johnson, Jr.  Mr. John T. Marcheschi  Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Pick
                                          Helen Grube Gifford       Yvonne A. Johnson          Ms. Judy Marth            Ms. Annellia Pierce
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Godfrey  Jerome E. Johnston  Brandyn Mason and Rachel Trimble  Loretta and Dale D. Pierson
                                          Goldman, Sachs & Co.      Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Julian  Mr. and Mrs. John May   John L. Pietrzak and Dr. Rae L. Pietrzak
                                          Google Inc.               Ms. Yvonne Kaminski        Mr. and Mrs. James McDonnell  Kenneth and Barbara Piller
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Gorzynski  Mrs. Barbara Keller  McGraw Foundation       Plante Moran
                                          Ms. Erika Gosker          Mr. and Mrs. James T. Kelly  Mr. and Mrs. Matthew McKay  Ms. Carolyn M. Pogar and
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grecco  Mr. and Mrs. Garth Kennedy  McKinsey & Company, Inc.  Ms. Kathleen M. Skupien
                                          GW & Associates PC        Mr. and Mrs. Willis Kidd   Mr. and Mrs. Michael Michelin  Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Polen
                                          Ms. Lauren Hajduk and Mr. Joseph Ward  Mrs. Charles M. Kierscht  Midwest Energy, Inc.  The Honorable and Mrs. Richard A. Posner
                                          Edwin Hancock Engineering Co.  Shawn and Kim Killackey  Ms. Sara J. Mikuta and Mr. Robert J. Henry  Mr. Carl Post
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Douglas C. Hancock  Mr. and Dr. Douglas A. Kimber  Millennium Trust Company  Prestige Countryside Liquors
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Headtke  Sandy and Alan Kirk      Mr. Kevin A. Mitchell     Project44
                                          Donald and Lynne Healy    Mr. and Mrs. Horst M. Kniesel  MoCo LLC              Mr. and Mrs. Marty Quilty
                                          Lisa Heim                 Mark & Madalene Koehler    Ms. Cynthia C. Mooney     Mr. and Mrs. Raul Ramos
                                          Rick and Lea Held           Charitable Trust         Mr. and Mrs. John H. Muehlstein  Mr. and Mrs. Eric Rehm
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Michael Henry  Mr. and Mrs. Ray Konopka, Jr.  Ms. Gina M. Mullen and    Mr. and Mrs. Michael Remensnyder
                                          Mr. Robert J. Henry and    Mr. and Mrs. James E. Konz  Mr. Terrence J. Mullen  Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc.
                                            Ms. Sara J. Mikuta
           “The future of our animals     Mr. and Mrs. Brett Herbison  Ms. Donna Kostel and Ms. Lynn Tusack  Mr. Thomas E. Mulvihill  Ms. Sharon Reynolds
                                                                    Betty Kramer
                                                                                               Mr. James E. Murphy, Jr. and
                                                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. Tanner C. Rice
                                                                                                 Ms. Bonnie J. Brown
            is clear: We must continue    Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Hermann  Ms. Jennine Kristianson and   Mr. and Mrs. Joel Murphy  Mr. Steven E. Rice
                                                                       Mr. Neil Kristianson
                                                                                                                         Heather and Rich Richardson
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Patrick J. Hickey
            to meet and exceed            Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hodge   Dr. and Mrs. Toni Kwan     Mr. Terrence F. Murphy    Mr. and Mrs. Donald Risser
            the highest standards         Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hofer   Mr. Roy K. Landgren and    Donna Myers and Aaron Lebovitz  Michaelene Roark
                                                                      Ms. Ellen Landgren
                                                                                               Nalco, an Ecolab Company
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Mark Holihan
                                                                                                                         Mr. and Mrs. John D. Roberts, Jr.
            of animal care.”              Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoveke  Mary E. Lane             Mr. and Mrs. Juan C. Navarro  Mr. Alan G. Rottman and
                                          Robert Hoyler             Mr. and Mrs. Stefan Lardenoit  Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Navigato  Ms. Gabriela Ruiz
           —Mike Canning,                 Mr. David L. Hunt and Mr. Douglas F. Bella  Linda and Gary Larson  Mr. and Mrs. Brad Niedermaier  Chatka and Anthony Ruggiero
                                                                    The Lauter Family
                                                                                                                         Mrs. Kristin Ryan and Mr. Tim Ryan
                                                                                               Mr. and Mrs. James Norem
                                          Ben and Kristin Ihnchak
                  CZS Trustee             Innovet Surgery           Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ledebuhr  Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Norton  Sahara Enterprises, Inc.
                                          Irish Woods Foundation    Mr. Alexe Lee              Ms. Jacqueline Novak      T. Scale and L. Briggs
                                          Izale Financial Group     Ruel Lehman                Mr. Daniel C. Nowaczynski and    Mr. Craig Schaffer and
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Jablonski  Ms. Mary C. Leisner    Ms. Nancy Ziegler          Ms. Stephanie Heubi
                                          Mr. Wilfred R. Jannusch   Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Lester  Ms. Agnieszka Nowak and Mr. David Borek  Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Scherrer
                                          Mr. Richard J. Jasculca   H. George Lewandowski      Old Republic International Corporation  Mr. Fred Schnitzius and
                                          Ms. Amy L. Jay and Ms. Martha Johnson  Robert & Elizabeth Littel  Ms. Morgan A. Olszewski  Ms. Marilyn T. Kujawa
                                          Mrs. Judith Jay           Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lobenhofer  Oppenheimer Family Foundation  Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schofield
                                          Jel Sert Company          Mr. and Mrs. Brian J. Lohan  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Otruba   Mr. David J. Scholes
                                          Mrs. Mary Jenkins         Dr. Jeremy Lott and Dr. Melisa Lott  Mr. and Mrs. Gregory P. Pace  Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Schulze
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Jason Johns  Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lozich   Mr. and Mrs. Warren H. Pan  Ms. Nancy Scinto
                                          Mr. and Mrs. Jay Johnson  Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Maddox  Barbara J. Panek        George, Ramona, & Stephanie Sedivy

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