Page 70 - Annual Report 2022
P. 70

ROOSEVELT FOUNTAIN LANDSCAPING                                    SEVEN SEAS                       WINGS AROUND

               The development of an overall landscape plan for the Zoo is part of    RENOVATION                  THE WORLD
               our master planning process, and will blend the Zoo’s historical manicured
               gardens and central malls with a story of natural plantings, pollinators,    Later this year, we will welcome   Brookfield Zoo will be a livelier place
               and conservation.                                                 back our bottlenose dolphins to   with the addition of small-footprint
                  The area around Roosevelt Fountain will be transformed. Designed    their newly renovated habitat at   habitats that will allow visitors to get
               in conjunction with the Chicago Botanic Garden, the flower beds will    Seven Seas. Renovations to the   up close to some new animals.
               undergo a multi-year rejuvenation. Twelve bronze sculptures will be    35-year-old facility include the   Phase 1 of this project is the Wings
               installed around the fountain. Each one stands 6 feet tall and represents    installation of a lift platform in    Around the World experience,
               the face of one of the 12 most endangered animals                 the south habitat that allows the   which will open in summer 2023.
               in the world. These “Faces of the Wild”                           water depth to be quickly adjusted   Foundations are already in place
               were created by Gillie and Marc, the                              in the event advanced medical    for two outdoor macaw trees for
               artists who sculpted King Nyani in                                care may be needed for an animal.    the colorful, loud, and active parrots.
               the Zoo’s North Plaza.                                            A new roof and a complete        Habitats for toucans, red-legged
                  The team has been working                                      climate-controlled air purifying   seriemas, sandhill cranes, prairie-
               with Andre Copeland, manager                                      system for the entire building are   chickens, and a Eurasian eagle owl
               of Interpretive Services, to                                      being added, which will provide a   will follow, as well as habitats for
               incorporate a robust pollinator                                   better environment for the animals,   ornate box and Blanding’s turtles
               plant program and messaging                                       staff, and guests.               that are part of CZS’s important local
               into our landscape plan. Brook-                                      We are thankful to the Minne-  conservation programs.
               field Zoo is an important habitat                                 sota Zoo for hosting our dolphins   A $350,000 Tourism Attractions
               for birds, bees, butterflies, and                                 during the renovation, and to our   and Festivals grant for Wings Around
               other pollinators.                                                marine mammal staff who relocat-  the World was awarded to CZS by
                                                                                 ed with the dolphins and continue   the State of Illinois.
                                                                                 to provide their daily care.

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