Page 40 - GW_2020Winter
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Adventures FAMILY PLAY PROGRAMS On-site Programs
Learn about the natural world Artists, nature educators, and early ZOO STUDIO
through classes, tours, and programs childhood specialists have based these
for kids, families, and adults. programs on the same principles as (Ages 3 to 11 years)
Hamill Family Play Zoo, which connects
Sign up for Brookfield Zoo’s children and their families to wildlife Paint with us at Brookfield Zoo! After
exciting and informative and nature. (An adult must attend with each child.) observing an animal for inspiration, young
educational programs. artists will be welcomed to their very own
Virtual Programs creation station at our Outdoor Art Studio.
REGISTRATION Zoo staff will be on hand to facilitate step-
Registration is online only and is Online classes will take place via Zoom. by-step painting. However, the experience
processed within three business The class registration fee includes materials will ultimately be child-directed—there is
days. Your membership must be for one participant. If additional household no wrong way to do art! Each child will go
current to purchase programs members will be participating, additional home with an 8”x10” unique painting he or
at the member price, and only sets of materials can be purchased for a fee she created at the zoo.
those listed on your membership of $25.00 each. Materials will need to be
qualify. Each registration includes picked up, unless mailing is arranged for an In case of inclement weather, the Art Studio
a nonrefundable program deposit. additional fee of $25.00. will be moved indoors. Safety is our utmost
Cancellations must be made 14 concern, so all physical locations—indoor
business days in advance. PENGUINS and out—will allow for proper social
DISABILITIES distancing. Each participant will also be
Visitors with disabilities: (Ages 3 to 5 years, with 1 adult) provided with his or her own set of materials.
please call (708) 688-8338
for accessibility information. The name of this class says it all. Join us to Each age group will meet on Saturdays,
see penguins, hear about penguins and with a one-hour break between age
For more information about how they are cared for—and maybe even groups. After-school sessions are on
programs or registration, become a penguin! Wednesdays and Thursdays.
go to
or call (708) 688-8342. Additional sessions are available for private
bookings (birthday parties, scout groups,
40 GATEWAYS | ADVENTURES home school groups, etc.)
3 weekdays per session $50 Per Member Ages 3 to 5 Years (with $40 Per Member
(Mon-Wed-Fri) $60 Per Nonmember Accompanying Adult) $50 Per Nonmember
Ages 6 to 8 Years (with
45 minutes each day Accompanying Adult) $40 Per Member
Ages 9 to 11 Years (with $50 Per Nonmember
ART ADVENTURE Accompanying Adult)
$40 Per Member
(Ages 6 to 8 years, with 1 adult) $50 Per Nonmember
See how animals, culture, and art come For more details or to register, visit
together as we learn about a different PlayPrograms. Space is limited, so register today!
region of the world each session. A virtual
zoo visit will start each class and an art
project will end it.
4 weekdays per session $125 Per Member The HAMILL FAMILY PLAY ZOO and Zoo for All are
(Mon-Tue-Wed-Thu) $135 Per Nonmember supported by the Bank of America Charitable Trust,
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Bartram, Jim & Esther Bryan,
2 hours each day the Aurelio M. Caccomo Family Foundation, Susan and
Patrick Frangella, Rita Milcarek, the Edmond and Alice
Opler Foundation, Nancy and Scott Schulze, Nydia
and Michael Searle, Marie Spinozzi-Marotta, and the
A. Montgomery Ward Foundation.
All events, dates, and times are subject to change.
Please visit for the most up-to-date information.