Page 9 - GW_2020Winter
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PROGRAMS Adopt Your                                   Fun facts:                                                          SHARING the CARE
          Favorite Animal                               Ÿ Humboldt penguins are named after the
                                                          Humboldt Current that flows up the Pacific      Visit
 In each issue, we’ll introduce you to one of the         coast of South America from Antarctica.         for a complete list of dozens
 dozens of animals in our Animal Adoption Program.                                                        of adoptable animals.
 When you adopt an animal, you are sharing the          Ÿ Humboldt penguins can’t fly through the         Animal adoption packages
 care—your donation helps provide expert care for         air like other birds, but their streamlined,    make great gifts and start at $35.
 that animal for one year.                                feathered bodies are built to fly through the   They include a personalized
                                                          water at 20 to 25 miles an hour.                adoption certificate, a 5”x7” color
 How Divot got his name: He has a slight                                                                  photo of the animal, a species
 depression, or divot, on his back where his            Ÿ Once a year, all penguin species molt—or lose   fact sheet, and a program decal.
 feathers do not lay flat.                                all of their feathers—then grow them back.      Some featured animal packages
                                                                                                          also include a plush toy.
 Arrival at Brookfield Zoo: Divot hatched on            Ÿ Penguins swallow saltwater and a gland          For more information, visit the
 exhibit at Brookfield Zoo on January 31, 2008, to        removes salt from their bodies.                 website, email your question
 parents Batata (mom) and Allegro (dad). But after                                                        to,
 a couple days, he was not gaining enough               Ÿ Most species of penguins, including             or call (708) 688-8341.
 weight, so he was then hand-reared by his                Humboldt penguins, live in warm,
 animal care specialists.                                 temperate climates.                              PHUGoiRlviedRathyfeGeicft!tHMoelmi‘TdibasyetrhAsdehoiSppesta—isoonsnsefaeonprdagGeif2t1

 Personality: In the wild, Humboldt penguins          Conservation threats: Humboldt penguins
 are extremely skittish. But Divot is calm and        numbered in the hundreds of thousands in the
 curious around people because he was hand-           1800s. An estimated 32,000 of them remain, and
 reared. As an Animal Ambassador, Divot has           their numbers continue to decline. One reason
 greeted guests at the Penguin Encounters and         is the loss of habitat and nesting material.
 occasionally represents the zoo at events on         Most Humboldt penguins live in nest burrows
 and off zoo grounds. He voluntarily enters the       they dig out from piles of seabird droppings, or
 Penguin Encounters room and sometimes                guano. When guano was mined and sold as
 greets guests by flapping his wings—a gesture        fertilizer—a practice that is now regulated—the
 penguins normally use to greet other penguins.       birds lost protected nesting sites. Today, major
 His favorite toy is a stuffed penguin that he loves  threats include overfishing which reduces the
 to carry around in his mouth, while supervised       availability of prey fish, entanglement in fishing
 by staff.                                            nets, pollutants, and climate change.

 Love life: Divot’s mate is Rosalita. Humboldt        What CZS is doing: For more than a decade,
 penguins are thought to mate for life. Males         Dr. Mike Adkesson, vice president of clinical
 and females share in the care of their eggs and      medicine for the Chicago Zoological Society,
 offspring. Divot and Rosalita both wear white        has led a conservation program at Punta San
 bands, indicating that they are a pair. (Males are   Juan, Peru, a marine protected area and home to
 banded on their right wing and females on their      Humboldt penguins and other wildlife.
 left wing.) They are “SSP royalty”—meaning
 they are ranked as a high-priority pairing by the    What you can do: Buy fish caught in a
 Humboldt penguin Species Survival Plan®. [See        sustainable way. For more information, go to
 the article about SSP programs in this issue.] Also, limit your use of plastics
 Divot and Rosalita carry genes that are rare in the  which can enter the ocean and injure and kill
 population of Humboldt penguins in zoos and          marine mammals.
 aquariums, which make them very valuable.

                                                                                                          BROOKFIELD ZOO | WINTER 2020/21 9
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