Page 23 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
P. 23

1997                                                               2011                                     2016

The Blue Range Wolf Recovery                                       A Wolf/Livestock Coexistence Council is  A wild foster mom successfully
Area in Arizona and                                                formed to increase wild wolf numbers     adopts Brook eld Zoo pups
New Mexico is identi ed                                            while alleviating the nancial burden     Blaze and Brooke.
as a reintroduction site.                                          on farmers and ranchers.

1998                   2004                       2010             2014                                     TODAY

The rst zoo-reared     Brook eld Zoo opens its    Ernesta Wolf is  Ernesta is released to the wild in       Approximately 100
Mexican gray wolves    remodeled REGENSTEIN WOLF  transferred to   New Mexico with a mate. She gives        Mexican gray wolves
are released into the  WOODS habitat.             Brook eld Zoo.   birth to six pups.                       thrive in the wild,
Blue Range Wolf                                                                                             while some 300 live in
Recovery Area, and     The Chicago Zoological                      After her mate separates from her,       48 facilities across the
these pioneering       Society joins the Mexican                   Ernesta and the pups are brought to      United States and Mexico.
11 begin the road      Gray Wolf Species                           a wolf holding facility. Two pups
to resurgence.         Survival Plan.                              are cross-fostered to a wild pack.

                                                                   Ernesta, a new mate, and the four
                                                                   remaining pups are rereleased to
                                                                   the wild.

About Mexican Gray Wolves                                                    Write Your
                                                                             Own Story
•	Wolves live in packs and            •	Smaller than other gray wolves,
  communicate their status by           they are about the size of a German  Wolves deserve their own happily ever after!
  vocalization, body language,          shepherd dog. They weigh up to       Here’s what you can do to help.
  and scent marking. Their pack         80 pounds and measure about
  structure makes it possible for       5½ feet long, including their tail.      Next time you read Little Red Riding
  them to prey on animals much                                               Hood or The Three Little Pigs, be creative.
  larger than any individual wolf.    •	Their coloring is a mixture of       Make the wolf the hero. Even better, add
                                        tan, gray, auburn, and black.        these and other wolf-friendly children’s
•	Wolves’ natural prey is hooved                                             books to your library: Look to the North:
  animals like deer and elk.          •	They are the most rare and           A Wolf Pup Diary and Nutik, the Wolf Pup
  Sometimes they also eat small         distinct subspecies of gray          by Jean Craighead George, The Story of
  mammals like rabbits. They steer      wolves in North America.             the Kind Wolf by Peter Nickl, and Dream
  clear of people whenever possible.                                         Wolf by Paul Goble.

                                                                                 You can also adopt any of our Mexican
                                                                             gray wolves at

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