Page 27 - Gateways_Winter2016-17
P. 27

Howl-To                                                                                                                                     5 _ Esw u_hbi cIsh p_ea rcAeie  sa_bmgorueatayntwswoitlcvheeesyasaarrbeeigaoansslyutbohsnepeyecatireyepse. (oBoffegigrnragayawolf.)
                    1MGriaxd uunaaltIlnynildsaitt2liarforcigrunmepss1bcoaauwllpdl-,oplmuuugikrxhpeyow1sacceroumnpFsLWiSsOAAtUeTLRnETc.Ry..      6 Wolves live in packs led by the _ O _ I _ A _ _ male
Make your very own                                                                                                                                      and female and their offspring.
wild wolf habitat!                                                                                                                                                                      another. They play games,
                                                                                                                                                7 Wolves        are friendly  with one  and even _ A _ _ _ I _
                                                                                                                                                         bring  food to one   another,
                    2 Watitklhenaeyoseutdr5iht a,MntdIhNse, UskTnmEeoSeo.tdhTethrhe eitldownouigllgehbrefy.ooru
                                                                                                                                                one another’s pups.

                                                                                                                                                8 As _ A _ _ I _ O _ E _,          wolves  eat only meat.
                                                                                                                                                        They hunt prey, typically  deer,   elk, _ A _ _ I _ _,

                    3 While the dough is still                                                                                                  and other small mammals.
                           moist, spread it on a clean
                               pizza box or a piece of                                                                                      9 _ O _ _ I _ _       and other   noises help pack members locate
                                 CARDBOARD.                                                                                                          each other,  gather to   hunt, and indicate territorial

                                                                                                                                                boundaries to other packs.

                    4 Shape the dough                                                                                                       10  Pups are born   p_Ta c_hke Iyc  a_ar re_esbmufaottruotrpheeenapttuhp1e0si,r_w eOhyiec h_s r_ae tm_ aa_bin.ouint  10 to
                                                             into a wolf-friendly                                                               15 days. Their                                                                                                   their
                                                           landscape with hills                                                                 den for weeks.
                                                           and an area for a
                                                          gentle stream.

 5 AtPdhueds  hpdloaSusTgtIhiCctKWoSOim,LiBtVaAEtRSeKtoot, hTweWartIfcGehSaot,vuaernre dsthRoefOirw CtoKelvreSrsit’inohtrayob. itat.
6 TiWt haweiintt hfa odArdC ttRhheYeL dfIoiCnugishPhAitnoIgNddTreySt.caoilmspbleytceollyo,ring

Run                 like the wolf                                                                                                                                                          Word Search Answers
                                                                                                                                                                                              1. MOUNTAIN, HUNDRED; 2. CANINES;
                              to your local library                                                                                                                                              3. CLIFF, CAVE; 4. ANCESTOR;
                                                                                                                                                                                                     5. MEXICAN; 6. DOMINANT;
                    for these good reads.                                                                                                                                                                7. BABYSIT; 8. CARNIVORES, RABBITS;
                                                                                                                                                                                                            9. HOWLING; 10. BLIND, MONTHS
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