Page 12 - Gateways_2018_WINTER
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News Bites continued In-Network Care
Creating Future Memories WELFARE How do you know if a gorilla isn’t feeling well or
The Chicago Zoological Society was built upon if a giraffe has a sore hoof? Typically, the best way
two generous charitable gifts, creating a legacy that for animal care specialists to assess an animal’s
has helped sustain us even to this day. In 1919, condition is to monitor behavior and watch for any sudden or
Edith Rockefeller McCormick donated 83 acres to unexpected changes. But even the most seasoned eye can miss
the Forest Preserve District of Cook County, with subtle changes in behavior.
the vision of building a large zoological park with The Chicago Zoological Society came up with a solution
modern construction and open enclosures similar for that. In 2013, the Society released WelfareTrakTM, an online
to those she had enjoyed in Europe. And in 1933, program that tracks animal care specialists’ assessments of
the George F. Getz family provided much of the animal welfare.
foundation of the early zoo through their gift of With WelfareTrakTM, animal care specialists fill out weekly
330 animals from their private collection. surveys for individual animals, answering a range of questions
that reflect their physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
Thanks to their generosity and foresight, when They can also mark significant events in an animal’s day that
the gates opened in 1934, Brookfield Zoo presented have the potential to affect health and behavior. On different
a diverse collection of animals in cutting-edge, days, different staff members fill out the surveys, so the team
naturalistic exhibits, making us an enviable example
of a modern zoo. really gets an objective look at how
well an animal is thriving. They
Edith Rockefeller McCormick’s vision regularly review this data and
didn’t end with the opening of the zoo’s gates.
Even today, the Society continues to inspire make any necessary tweaks to
visitors from around the world through our the animal’s care routine.
leading role in education, conservation, and
dedication to animal care and compassion. We aren’t the only ones using this, either. Eight internationally
accredited facilities are monitoring 17 different species of
Today, donors who wish to make a difference mammals, birds, and reptiles with WelfareTrakTM, and the
for future generations can follow in McCormick’s feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. As more and more
footsteps and create their own legacy by joining the data is entered into the system, the more useful it will become,
Edith Rockefeller McCormick Society. as well—users can look at all the data entered for a certain
species and see if their individual animal’s behavior is lining up
Donors at every level can create a lasting legacy with species trends.
through any qualified estate vehicle, ranging
from bequests to gift annuities. You can support Left: Animal care specialists observe the animals in their care throughout the week.
the highest-quality animal care, expand popular Right: Animal care specialists fill out weekly surveys for each of the animals they monitor
education programs that reach far beyond our gates, using WelfareTrakTM.
develop state-of-the-art exhibits, and strengthen the
future of conservation.
For more information, email
or call (708) 688-8174.