Page 19 - Gateways_2017_Summer
P. 19

Successful Breeding
                               Is Not Left to Chance

White-Cheeked          Gibbon  Everybody loves zoo babies. If you               If you have ever heard of an
               female                 have ever been to Brookfield Zoo      addax or an Andean condor, it’s
                                  and seen a young white-cheeked            because zoological organizations
                                  gibbon...well, that’s a face to die for.  not only set out to protect
                                  But while photo-worthy, that face         the genetic diversity of those
                                  represents a considerable amount          species from extinction but also
                                  of planning and discussion behind         used that diversity to breed
                                  the scenes. Exhibiting a juvenile         distinctly unrelated individuals
                                  gibbon or another young animal            and ensure the growth and
                                  that is equally endearing is not          survival of their populations.
                                  about attracting as many people
                                  to the zoo as possible. Rather,               Breeding animals is a proactive
                                  breeding has much more to do with         measure, but in some ways, it’s also
                                  concern for species that need some        reactive. Along with the animals
                                  help, as well as with animals’ basic      mentioned above, Guam kingfishers
                                  biological drive.                         were once nearly eradicated due to
                                      Institutions accredited by the        outside factors, in their case because
                                  Association of Zoos and Aquariums         brown tree snakes were introduced
                                  (AZA)—as is Brookfield Zoo—are            to their native Guam and decimated
                                  fundamentally banks that safeguard        the population of these birds there.
                                  not gold bars or stacks of $100 bills     Thankfully, a few of the birds were
                                  but rather the collective group of        rescued and their descendants have
                                  genes belonging to a species. To fine-    been bred in zoos in North America
                                  tune that definition even further, we     and in facilities on the island itself.
                                  work to ensure that species’ genes are    Today, efforts are being made to
                                  suitable to promote the best possible     reintroduce the species to nearby
                                  health in zoo populations. If white-      islands that don’t have brown tree
                                  cheeked gibbons or other species          snakes. In other words, as with the
                                  were to go extinct, the world would       kingfishers, we proactively breed
                                  be a lot less rich, and “banking”         animals because someday we may
                                  healthy genes—meaning genes               have to react to a situation in which
                                  from the offspring of parents who         a population in managed care can
                                  are demographically distinct—is a         aid in reintroduction programs.
                                  way to keep that from happening.
                                  (Inbreeding—when related animals              In truth, there actually is one
                                  mate—can lead to defects in               reason that we want as many people
                                  descendants that include reduced          as possible to see a young animal in
                                  fertility, heart abnormalities, and       a zoo: as with kingfishers, we are
                                  even a high death rate in newborns.)

                                                                            BROOKFIELD ZOO | SUMMER 2017 19
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