Page 20 - Gateways_2017_Summer
P. 20

Successful Breeding continued

                                                          Guam Kingfisher

                                                                                                                          The Chicago Zoological Society
                                                                                                                          has had long involvement in
                                                                                                                          caring for Guam kingfishers.
                                                                                                                          Top: An animal care specialist
                                                                                                                          feeds a kingfisher chick.
                                                                                                                          Left: Dr. Mike Adkesson, vice
                                                                                                                          president of clinical medicine,
                                                                                                                          examines the eye of a kingfisher.

more effective at telling the conservation   most species, females who are sexually                                       aquariums and indicating the individuals
stories of species in distress when there’s  mature naturally breed throughout                                            that should move among zoos to mate.
a memorable young animal to represent        their lives. Of course, the strategies for
those species. Studies have shown that       how they do so change from species to                                            Chicago Zoological Society staff
people who connect with wildlife in a        species. Small animals like shrews tend                                      have been intimately involved with
zoo setting are more likely to contribute    to breed often, while larger animals such                                    TAGs over the decades. Our senior
to saving that species. And hands            as bison breed less frequently. Short-lived                                  vice president of animal programs, Bill
down, there is no better way to make a       species reproduce more often to make                                         Zeigler, helped start the first TAG—
connection than by encountering a lovable    up for their truncated life expectancy.                                      now called the Crocodilian Advisory
young animal and learning about what                                                                                      Group—in 1986. He was also a
its species is facing in the wild, whether      There are groups of experts who keep                                      cofounder of the antelope TAG in 1993.
that’s through reading signs at the zoo or   these strategies in mind and, for any type
talking with a volunteer or staff member.    of animal, determine the appropriate                                         The Best Strateg y
                                             size of the collective population in zoos                                    No two methods for introducing species
Learning the Rules                           and aquariums. AZA’s Taxon Advisory                                          are alike. You would think that rhinos
If animals could understand the reasons we   Groups (TAGs) determine the cap for how                                      are rhinos, but that’s not the case. White
promote breeding programs, they might        many of any particular taxon are needed                                      rhinos are herd animals, giving them a
appreciate our motivations, but for them,    to maintain a viable overall population.                                     natural tendency to be together. But black
they just instinctively need to reproduce.   (A taxon is a word designating a broad                                       rhinos, the kind living at Brookfield Zoo,
The purpose of life is to make more of       group of a type of animal, such as bears or                                  are loners. We let them get to know each
itself, and reproduction is one of the main  snakes.) Species Survival Plans (SSPs) of                                    other only for breeding, when a female
mechanisms for accomplishing that. For       AZA do the actual groundwork of tracking                                     is in estrus, and the situation is under
                                             the lineages of animals in zoos and
                                                                                                                          (continued on page 22)

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