Page 32 - Gateways_2017-2018 Winter
P. 32

Dolphins continued

population. It’s important for multiple      of multiple workshops and site visits has    2016—working with Dolphin Quest and
researchers to help compile complete         been recognition that illegal fishing is     collaborators from Oceanográfic Valencia,
records of the dolphins’ movements,          likely responsible for the population’s      Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
condition, reproductive success, and         continued decline but also the development   (WHOI), and Aarhus University—the
survival—data that are crucial for           of a successful local river guard to find,   Sarasota team was able to attach satellite-
identifying the effects of human activities  confiscate, and destroy nets. As a result,   linked transmitters to four bottlenose
and for guiding conservation strategies.     the number of dolphins has increased         dolphins and track their movements and
                                             from a low of around 70 to more than         dive patterns.
   To the south, in Cambodia, Sarasota       80. Plus, the number of carcasses has
program staff have been involved in          decreased. Plans are being developed            The challenges encountered when
helping to save a small population of        to train Cambodian researchers in            trying to catch deepwater bottlenose
Irrawaddy dolphins (otherwise known          conservation techniques in Sarasota.         dolphins for tagging has led to a
as Mekong dolphins) in the Mekong                                                         new project for the Sarasota team. In
River. Prior to the Vietnam War, these       New Challenges                               conjunction with Dolphin Quest and
dolphins ranged the entire length of the                                                  WHOI, they are developing a device that
river and also lived in associated lakes        From rivers to open ocean                 will allow researchers to tag dolphins as
from the South China Sea to waterfalls       environments, dolphins occupy a wide         they ride the pressure wave below the bow
at the Cambodian border with Laos.           range of habitats. Opportunities to study    of a boat, eliminating the need to catch
During the war, intensive U.S. bombing       deepwater populations of bottlenose          them for tagging. The device is being
and subsequent harvesting by the Khmer       dolphins living farther out from coastlines  developed at WHOI and will be tested on
Rouge regime decimated the population,       have been rare, but it is important to       dolphins near Sarasota. This device has
leaving only a few dozen individuals in      learn about them as they also face threats,  the potential to revolutionize researchers’
deepwater pools in northern Cambodia.        especially noise, from human activities.     abilities to learn about largely unstudied
                                                                                          open-ocean cetaceans around the world. █
   As concerns arose over the shrinking         Since 2003, colleagues at Dolphin         Photos taken by the Chicago Zoological Society’s
Mekong dolphin population, international     Quest, one of our partners in dolphin        Sarasota Dolphin Research Program under
experts—including staff from Florida—        conservation, have involved Wells and        National Marine Fisheries Service Scientific
were engaged to recommend conservation       his team in research around Bermuda. In      Research Permit No. 15543.
actions. Among the positive outcomes

College interns assist with a photo-identification survey in Sarasota Bay.

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