Page 37 - Gateways_2017-2018 Winter
P. 37

What it is: A simulation focused on infectious diseases             What it is: A program that enables
affecting wildlife populations. Scientists use this software        Vortex and other tools to link so the
to assess risk and to explore management options such as            consequences of interactions among
surveillance, vaccination, or removal of infected animals.          species or many environmental factors
How it’s being used: Chytrid disease is an epidemic that has        can be assessed. For example, the Vortex
decimated many frog species and wiped out Panamanian golden         model of one species can be yoked with
frogs in the wild. Outbreak software has helped predict the rate    another upon which the first species is
at which the disease would wipe out species, as well as under what  dependent. MetaModel Manager works
conditions—including disease-resistant frogs and reinforcement      like a team leader who manages the tasks
from managed colonies—a re-established population might be          of individual team members so they
able to not only withstand chytrid disease but also recover.        perform together in an efficient way.
                                                                    How it’s being used: The Barents Sea
                                                                    near Svalbard, Norway, has long been
                                                                    home to a large breeding population of
                                                                    polar bears, but that region is warming
                                                                    more quickly than other Arctic locations.
                                                                    Lacy and his team assessed warming
                                                                    trends, along with habitat and food loss,
                                                                    and found that the greatest threat to
                                                                    polar bears there is dwindling populations
                                                                    of ringed seals, the bears’ primary food
                                                                    source. They used Vortex to understand
                                                                    each species and MetaModel Manager
                                                                    to explain how the species interact and
                                                                    how the interactions all depend on ice
                                                                    conditions. Findings may help to predict
                                                                    the Arctic regions where species will be
                                                                    most resistant to the effects of a warming
                                                                    climate. This information could direct
                                                                    the location of wildlife refuges where the
                                                                    fragile Arctic fauna can be protected.

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