Page 40 - Gateways_2017-2018 Winter
P. 40

Putting heads together makes everything                                      continued
better, and it’s no different with the Species    Until recently, most of the work of implementing SCTI fell
Conservation Toolkit Initiative. A number of      to Lacy and Ballou. That’s an unmanageable amount for just
entities from around the world make its work      two people. To maximize the tools’ benefit to conservationists
possible. Besides the Chicago Zoological          and population managers around the world, they recruited a
Society, funding comes from 15 organizations      larger team. Today, the SCTI partnership is managed by Lacy,
consisting of zoos in the United States, Europe,  Ballou, and Dr. Onnie Byers, chair of the Conservation Planning
and New Zealand; the European Association of      Specialist Group of the International Union for Conservation of
Zoos and Aquaria; and several other               Nature, the world’s largest network of conservation scientists.
conservation organizations. Representatives
from some of the sponsoring organizations,            Dr. Taylor Callicrate joined the Chicago Zoological Society
along with technical experts, make up an          team as a postdoctoral fellow in species conservation methods. She
advisory board that meets regularly to provide    is the primary software programmer working to refine the tools
scientific and technological advice. Finally,     for maximum efficiency. In addition, Sara Sullivan was recently
the SCTI team is working with staff from          brought on to coordinate training in the various software programs.
San Diego Zoo and the University of               She facilitates workshops on how to use the software and develops
Wisconsin-Milwaukee to develop new                user manuals, web-based modules, and forms of support.
software tools.
                                                     These new staff resources have led to software improvements.
   The following organizations all contribute     Additions to Vortex, for example, now enable integration of zoo-
to SCTI in one of these ways:                     based breeding programs with potential releases of zoo animals
                                                  to the wild. New capabilities in PMx guide the use of artificial
              Auckland Zoo                        insemination as another option to maintain genetic diversity.
             Copenhagen Zoo
  European Association of Zoos and Aquaria            Sometimes the impact of people on the natural world is
    International Union for Conservation          detrimental. The Species Conservation Toolkit Initiative is one
    of Nature Species Survival Commission
   Conservation Planning Specialist Group         Dr. Bob Lacy (right) accompanies senior animal care specialist Steve Lantrip, who is transporting a
             The Living Desert                    wolf for vaccinations at Brookfield Zoo. Lacy’s Outbreak software analyzes infectious diseases in wild
             Oceans Initiative                    populations of many species.
     Raincoast Conservation Foundation
              Saint Louis Zoo                     way for us to make things better. It gives conservationists the
              San Diego Zoo                       ability to harness the power of technology to safeguard wildlife.
             San Francisco Zoo
             Seattle Aquarium                         Since Lacy introduced genetic management tools for zoo breeding
     Smithsonian Conservation Biology             programs (the predecessors of PMx) in 1986 and wild population
           Institute/National Zoo                 modeling tools (the precursors to Vortex) in 1988, the scientific
                                                  community’s understanding and ability to address conservation issues
                SOS Rhino                         has made dramatic strides. As the Species Conservation Toolkit Initiative
               Species360                         continues to advance and as training expands, the Earth’s imperiled
     University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee            animals will find continued relief from the threats they face. █
        Zoological Society of London

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