Page 61 - Bookfield Zoo Chicago Annual Report 2024
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BROOKFIELD ZOO CHICAGO                                                                                                    1

               BOOKS AND                        Barratclough, A., McFee, W. E., Stolen,   DiMaggio, K. M., Acevedo, M. A., McHugh,
               BOOK CHAPTERS                      M., Hohn, A., Lovewell, G., Gomez, F. M.,   K. A., Wilkinson, K. A., Allen, J. B., &
                                                  Smith, C. R., García-Párraga, D., Wells,    Wells, R. S. (2023). The fitness con-
               Brueggemann, K., & McGinnis, D. (2023)   R. S., Parry, C., Daniels, R., Ridgway, S.,   sequences of human-wildlife inter-
                 Fundraising management in a changing   & Schwacke, L. (2023). How to estimate   actions on foraging common bottle-
                 museum world (1st ed.). Routledge.   age of old bottlenose dolphins (Tur-  nose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in
         siops truncatus); by tooth or pectoral   Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine Mammal
                 ing-Management-in-a-Changing-Muse-  flipper? Frontiers in Marine Science,   Science, 39(4), 1161-1177. https://doi.
                 um-World/Brueggemann-McGinnis/p/  10, 1-13.  org/10.1111/mms.13042
                 book/9781032104737               fmars.2023.1135521
                                                                                 Duffield, D. A., & Wells, R. S. (2023).
                                                Bertola, L. D., Bruniche-Olsen, A., Kershaw,   Paternity patterns in a long-term
                                                  F., Lacy, R. C., & Segelbacher, G. [44   resident bottlenose dolphin com-
               PEER-REVIEWED                      co-authors total]. (2023). A pragmatic   munity. Frontiers in Marine Science,
               PUBLICATIONS                       approach for integrating molecular   10, 1-13.
                                                  tools into biodiversity conservation.   fmars.2023.1076715
               Adkesson, M. J., Shlosberg, A., Lehner, A.   Conservation Science and Prac-  Durante, K., Adamovicz, L., Haynes, E.,
             1   F., Rumbeiha, W. K., Cárdenas-Alayza,   tice, 2023.  Schnelle, A. N., & Allender, M. C. (2023).
                 S., Cardeña-Mormontoy, M., & Kannan,
                                                                                   Comparing the effects of lithium
                 K. (2023). Measurement of persistent
                                                Bradley, S.E., Adamovicz, L., Andersson, K.,   heparin and dipotassium ethylenedi-
                 organic pollutants, perfluorinated                                                                   HUMBOLDT PENGUIN
                                                  Mumm, L., Glowacki, G., & Allender, M. C.   aminetetraacetic acid on hematologic
                 compounds, and toxic metals in the                                                                   The Living Coast
                                                  (2023). Evaluating different methods for   values in prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus
                 blood of Humboldt penguins (Sphenis-
                                                  determining erythrocyte sedimentation   viridis) and Lake Erie water snakes
                 cus humboldti) at Punta San Juan, Peru
                                                  rate in free-living Blanding’s turtles (Em-  (Nerodia sipedon insularum). Journal of
                 using dried blood spots. Journal of Zoo                                                              The Punta San Juan Marine
                                                  ydoidea blandingii). Journal of Wildlife   Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 54(4), 817-
                 and Wildlife Medicine, 54(4), 713-720.
                                                  Diseases.  824.  Protected Area in Peru is a
                                                  JWD-D-22-00006                                                      critical habitat for the Humboldt
                                                                                 Edmonds, D., Adamovicz, L., Allender, M.
               Angles, R., Adkesson, M. J., Cárde-                                                                    penguin, which is vulnerable to
                                                Cahill, B. V., McCulloch, K. L., DeGroot,   C., Colton, A., Nÿboer, R., & Dreslik, M.
                 nas-Alayza, S., Adamovicz, L., & Allen-
                                                  B. C., Bassos-Hull, K., & Ajemian, M. J.   (2023). Evaluating population per-  extinction. A growing number
                 der, M. C. (2023, March). Detection and
                                                  (2023). Breaking bags and crunching   sistence of ornate box turtles (Terra-
                 prevalence of Sphenicid alphaherpes-                                                                 of environmental contaminants
                                                  clams: Assessing whitespotted eagle   pene ornata) at the northeast edge
                 virus-1 (SpAHV-1) in a sample of Hum-                                                                threaten the animals and neces-
                                                  ray interactions with hard clam aqua-  of their distribution. Wildlife Biology.
                 boldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti)
                                                  culture gear. Aquaculture Environment  sitates regular health monitoring
                 at Punta San Juan, Peru. Journal of Zoo
                                                  Interactions, 15, 59-71. https://doi.                               using techniques in which
                 and Wildlife Medicine, 54(1), 159-163.                          Fahlman, A., Allen, A. S., Blawas, A., Swee-
                                        ney, J., Stone, R., Trainor, R., Jensen, F.   sampling and storage are diffi-
                                                Cahill, B. V., Eckert, R. J., Bassos-Hull, K.,   H., McHugh, K. A., Allen, J., Barleycorn,   cult. Researchers found that dried
               Ballou, J. D., Lacy, R. C., Traylor-Holzer, K.,
                                                  Ostendorf, T. J., Voss, J. D., DeGroot,   A., & Wells, R. S. (2023). Surface and
                 Bauman, K., Ivy, J. A., & Asa, C. (2023).                                                            blood spot (DBS) techniques offer
                                                  B. C., & Ajemian, M. J. (2023). Diet and   diving metabolic rates, and dynamic
                 Strategies for establishing and using                                                                a solution and has many potential
                                                  feeding ecology of the whitespotted   aerobic dive limits (dADL) in near- and
                 genome resource banks to protect ge-
                                                  eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) from   off-shore bottlenose dolphins, Tursi-  field applications for wildlife.
                 netic diversity in conservation breeding
                                                  Florida coastal waters revealed via DNA   ops spp., indicate that deep diving is
                 programs. Zoo Biology, 42(2), 175-184.
                                                  barcoding. Fishes, 8(8), 388. https://doi.  energetically cheap. Marine Mammal
                                                  org/10.3390/fishes8080388        Science, 39(3), 976-993. https://doi.
                 *2023 Calendar Year
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