Page 63 - Bookfield Zoo Chicago Annual Report 2024
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McEntire, M. S., Landolfi, J. A., Adkesson, Patton, P. T., Cheeseman, T., Abe, K., Taylor, B. L., Abel, G., Bader, D., Barlow,
M. J., Papich, M. G., Sander, S. J., Talley, Yamaguchi, T., Reade, W., Southerland, J., Braulik, G., Cipriano, F., Collins, T.,
L. R. A., Vincent, L., & Allender, M. C. K., Howard, A., Oleson, E. M., Allen, J. DeMaster, D., von Fersen, L., Gomez, F.,
(2023, October). The pharmacokinet- B., Ashe, E., Athayde, A., Baird, R. W., Hao, Y., Miller, P. S., Minton, G., Reeves,
ics and pharmacodynamics of oral Basran, C., Cabrera, E., Calambokidis, R. R., Rojas-Bracho, L., Secchi, E. R.,
ponazuril in the treatment of systemic J., Cardoso, J., Carrol, E. L., Cesario, Smith, C. R., Suydam, R., Wang, D., Wells,
isosporosis in passerine birds. Journal A., Cheney, B. J., Corsi, E., Currie, J., R. S., & Zerbini, A. (2023). Integrated
of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 54(3), Durban, J. W., Falcone, E. A., Fearnbach, conservation planning for cetaceans.
561-572. H., Flynn, K., Franklin, T., Franklin, W., The Zoological Garden, 91, 101-112.
0091 Galletti Vernazzani, B., Genov, T., Hill, M.,
Johnston, D. R., Keene, E. L., Mahaffy, S.
Miller, L. J., & Chinnadurai, S. K. (2023). Tidière, M., Colchero, F., Staerk, J., 4
D., McGuire, T. L., McPherson, L., Meyer,
2 Beyond the five freedoms: Animal C., Michaud, R., Miliou, A., Orbach, D. Adkesson, M. J., Andersen, D. H.,
welfare at modern zoological facili-
N., Pearson, H. C., Rasmussen, M. H., Bland, L., ... & Conde, D. A. (2023,
ties. Animals, 13(11), 1818. https://doi. October 18). Survival improvements
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org/10.3390/ani13111818 of marine mammals in zoological
Siciliano, S., Stack, S., Tintore, B., Torres,
institutions mirror historical advances
L. G., Towers, J. R., Trotter, C., Tyson
O’Connor, L., Downs, C., Langan, J. N., in human longevity. Proceedings of the
Moore, R., Weir, C. R., Wellard, R., Wells,
Chinnadurai, S. K., Adkesson, M. J., Royal Society B, 290:20231895. https:// BOTTLENOSE
R., Yano, K. M., Zaescmar, J. R., & Bejder,
Ivančić, M., & Aitken-Palmer, C. (2023, DOLPHIN
L. (2023). A deep learning approach
July 19). Perioperative management
to photo-identification demonstrates Seven Seas
of umbilical herniorrhaphy with ileal Tucker-Retter, E. K., Allender, M. C., Nowak,
high performance on two dozen
resection and anastomosis in a pygmy R. A., & Suski, C. D. (2023). Invasive
cetacean species. Methods in Ecology
hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis). species as sentinels: Measuring health The timely detection and
and Evolution, 00, 1-15. https://doi.
Veterinary Record Case Reports, 11(4). outcomes in silver carp (Hypophthal-
org/10.1111/2041-210X.14167 understanding of a population’s micthys molitrix) during removal.
Ichthyology & Herpetology, 111(1), status, as in vital rates (births,
Sayigh, L. S., El Haddad, N., Tyack, P. L.,
Parkinson, L. (2023, September). Fluid 8-19.
Janik, V. M., Wells, R. S., & Jensen, F. deaths), has been an important
therapy in exotic animal emergency and
H. (2023). Bottlenose dolphin moth- part of wildlife management
critical care. Veterinary Clinics of North Vincent, E. C., Fayette, M. A., Griffioen, J.
ers modify signature whistles in the
America: Exotic Animal Practice, 26(3), A., Litwiler, G., Adamovicz, L., Ospina, and conservation. However,
presence of their own calves. PNAS,
623-645. E., & Allender, M. C. (2023, April 1). collecting these data is challeng-
cvex.2023.05.004 Health assessment of painted turtles
pnas.2300262120 ing work in species that spend
(Chrysemys picta) in a restored wetland
Parkinson, L., Chinnadurai, S., Bailey, J., & habitat in northwestern Indiana, USA. most of their time under water.
Schwacke, L. H., Thomas, L., Wells, R. S.,
Brainard, B. (2023, October 4). Arterial Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 59(2),
Rowles, T. K., Bossart, G. D., Townsend Researchers developed a new
catheterization in great apes. Journal 245-258.
Jr., F., Mazzoil, M., Allen, J. B., Balmer, B. quantitative model—the veterinary
of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine, 54(3), 639- JWD-D-22-00088
C., Barleycorn, A. A., Barratclough, A.,
644. expert system for outcome
Burt, L., De Guise, S., Fauquier, D., Go-
Vincent, L. M., Allender, M. C.*, Talley,
mez, F. M., Kellar, N. M., Schwake, J. H., prediction (VESOP)—that can
A., Davidson, A., Roy, L., Durante, K.,
Speakman, T. R., Stolen, E. D., Quigley, B. predict population survival rate
Waligora, M., Sander, S. J., McEntire,
M., Zolman, E. S., & Smith, C. R. (2023).
M. & Schnelle, A. N. (2023, October). from dolphin health data. The
An expert-based system to predict
Comparison of hematologic differenc- data came from eight free-ranging
population survival rate from health
es with lithium heparin and dipotas-
data. Conservation Biology. https://doi. dolphin populations in the south-
sium ethylenediaminetetraacetic
org/10.1111/cobi.14073 acid in European starlings (Sturnus eastern U.S. including that studied
3 vulgaris). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife by Brookfield Zoo Chicago’s
Medicine, 54(3), 538-544. https://doi. Sarasota Dolphin Research
Program, the world’s longest-
running dolphin conservation
research program.