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“So how do you measure a rate of  return on      not an immediate business priority.” Costco
             that cost of  investment? It’s difficult and that   Wholesale Corp. also tracks only its Scope 1
             is what is turning people away, especially in    and 2 emissions.
             an ag environment that is not overly profitable
             right now.”                                      Land O’Lakes doesn’t have a Scope 3 goal
                                                              but has committed to make a reduction of 10
             The Soil and Water Outcomes Fund, which also  million metric tons that it will contribute toward
             involves the Iowa Soybean Association, that he’s   Walmart’s Project Gigaton goal of cutting sup-
             participating in started with 10,000 acres and   ply chain emissions by a billion tons.
             next year will expand to 100,000 acres.
                                                              Some big corporations, such as Kraft Heinz and
             “We’d much rather solve this through one of the   restaurant giant Yum! Brands, which operates
             voluntary innovative ways that agriculture can   the KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell chains, have
             lead and show the path forward right that’s good   committed to develop goals.
             for everybody,” said Cargill’s Sirolli.
                                                              Through a nonprofit group, CDP, formerly
             “Let’s do it voluntarily before we get, you know,   the Carbon Disclosure Project, many compa-
             forced or regulated to do something.”            nies file detailed reports on their emissions and
                                                              measures they are taking to reduce their risk
             How food and ag giants set climate               from climate change.
             targets — and what they’ve promised              In its 2020 CDP report, food giant ConAgra
                                                              Brands Inc. estimates its emissions from agri-
             Corporate greenhouse gas emissions fall into     culture and forestry (which includes the paper
             one of three categories, or “scopes,” depending   used for packaging at 2,989,975 metric tons).
             on the source. Scope 3 emissions are the ones    ConAgra hasn’t set a target for reducing those
             that affect farmers and ranchers.                emissions, but the company describes in its CDP
                                                              report some measures it is taking to address the
                  Scope 1: Emissions are those generated
                  by a company›s in-house operations,         impact of climate change.
                  including fleet vehicles, boilers etc.      The report says, for example, “Changing con-
                                                              sumer preferences and customer requirements
                  Scope 2: Emissions are those caused by      have impacted some of  Conagra’s product
                  the electricity the company purchases.
                                                              lines and strategy in the short to medium
                  Scope 3: Emissions are a company’s          term. For example, we have expanded cer-
                  indirect emissions. They include company    tain product lines (such as Healthy Choice
                  business travel as well as emissions from   and Reddi-wip) to include more plant-based
                  shipping products and the emissions that    options and have analyzed sales trends for
                  result from producing the raw commodi-      climate-beneficial food products.”
                  ties, ingredients and finished products that
                  the company purchases.

             Some companies haven’t committed to reduc-
             ing Scope 3 emissions or don’t track them.
             One of  those is the food service giant Sysco
             Corp., which says collecting Scope 3 data “is

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