Page 20 - Ebook_CoverCrops2022_Final
P. 20

Seeding .method .affects .timing, .effectiveness

               There are a number of different methods for planting cover crops, but when producers choose
               which route to take, they need to consider timing, effectiveness and cost, experts say.

               Cover crops can be “planted green” into standing cash crops or they can be planted after or during
               harvest. Some of the most common methods include:

                     Interseeding: According to extension             Manure Slurry Seeding: .According to
                     educators at the University of Nebras-           a Purdue University study, producers can
                     ka-Lincoln, producers can plant cover crop       mix cover crops with liquid manure inside
                     seed into crops like corn and soybeans,          spreader tanks. Then, they commence with
                     but during periods when the crop’s canopy        the “shallow injection seed and manure to
                     isn’t closed. Most of the time, interseeding     facilitate the germination and establish-
                     is done early in the season by broadcasting,     ment of the cover crop.” The study found
                     using a drill or using specialized or modi-      the method was an “efficient and effective”
                     fied equipment.                                  method for use in no-till cover cropping
                     Overseeding: .According to the Universi-
                     ty of Wisconsin-Madison extension office,        Post-harvest seeding: .Cover crops
                     cover crops can be planted into standing         can also be planted following a cash crop.
                     crops late in the season by broadcasting         Most of the time, this is done with a drill,
                     or by using aerial or highboy equipment.         air seeder or using aerial equipment like
                     However, Weil with the University of             planes or drones.
                     Maryland noted most farmers wouldn’t
                     buy the kind of specialized equipment            Equipment: .Seed drills, air seeders and
                     used to do this. Producers also need to          airplanes all are used by farmers for seeding
                     consider the potential of cash crops like        cover crops, and there are new technologies
                     corn blocking sunlight or catching seeds         coming on the scene, including drones.
                     before they hit the ground, which can hin-
                     der the effectiveness of this approach.

               Of all seeding technologies, no-till or conventional drills are among the most effective at ensuring

               cover crops are planted fully, although farmers generally have to wait until after the cash crop is
               harvested to seed their fields. Still, the drills help ensure that the seeds are placed in the ground at
               the right depth and rate.

                      It’s .reliable, .you’ll .get .a .good .stand . .Drilling .works, .but .it .means .

                      you .have .to .wait .until .after .harvest .”

                                                                                         — .Ray Weil
                                                                University .of .Maryland .professor

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