Page 27 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 27
Straight Down Rain
I heard a song recently and the words went straight to my heart in a gentle, yet powerful way. One of the lines from the song is: “May God’s peace cover a straight, down, rain.” How could you wish anything more wonderful for someone than being completely drenched in a peace that would flood their heart and mind?
Because just like a straight down rain, God’s peace covers us. The inner peace felt by knowing He is by our side, no matter what, releases us to stop worrying and turn our burdens over to Him. It is a peace that exists when we surrender the idea that we are in control...a steadfast calmness that brings forth a feeling of security because it doesn’t change with circumstances. It is an ever-present harmony that exists when we open the door to let Jesus inside.
God’s peace offers a defense against worry, fear, and anxiety. It’s an invisible shield of protection providing our mind the chance to rest and our heart the chance to experience a quiet serenity. Inner peace provides the means to cope with the stress, trials and tribulations of life, for it is not driven by external surroundings.
Like a straight down rain, God’s peace covers us in the unique tranquility found only through His grace. When you have inner peace inside of you, it’s amazing how things change around you.