Page 29 - Dash to Heaven DRAFT
P. 29

Good Works
Good works are simply defined as a person’s actions or deeds. One common misconception is that doing good works can “earn” you a spot in Heaven. Not to belittle good deeds in any way, but they are not goal makers that advance your score. You cannot accumulate them in hopes of unlocking the gates to heaven. However, that proverbial key is available to you, through the acceptance of Jesus Christ as your personal savior.
Yet, good works are not irrelevant. In fact, they are intertwined with salvation because they are an extension, an expression, of the fact that you have been saved by faith. Jesus suffered the judgment that we deserve. Thus, our sins, past and future are “covered” by His ultimate sacrifice. It is said that, through His sacrifice and forgiveness, Christians are freed from sin. But that doesn’t mean they are free to sin. True faith comes with responsibility and accountability -- an obligation to follow His word, which after experiencing true faith, is not too difficult a task.
When you are living with a foundation of faith, the yearning to sin is controllable because He has now become a part of you, and thus influences your decisions and desires. He is a symbol of your conscience, that imaginary tap on your shoulder that causes you to hesitate and consider your actions before doing them. It’s not that you have to follow His’s that you want to! Because when you are filled with His love, you want to live a life that pleases Him and shows your love in return. You become keenly aware of His guidance and wish to abide. Obeying Him becomes something more desired than required when your

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