Page 11 - TCL Company Profile A
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                                                                                          Kreatype Company Profile  11

    • Providing renewable energy for our sites;
    • Reducing water consumption;
    • Selecting materials and equipment having a
    minimal environmental impact;
    • Selecting our suppliers to abide by our
    environmental policies.

    It is our policy to do all that is reasonably
    practicable to:

    • Ensure all work is completed to the highest
    • To only supply goods from high-quality
    • To check all works, goods, and services for
    high standards before signing off to the client;
    • A comprehensive Building O&M all-inclusive
    of warranties and building certificates handed
    over to the client by the end of each project.

          PROJECT MANAGEMENT                 QUALITY CONTROL                    HEALTH & SAFETY

          We use empirical techniques of     We continually strive for          TCL requests that all employees take
          project management to accomplish   improvements within our business   a pro-active role in improving Health &
          our tasks and overall objectives to   and work hard to achieve the best   Safety performance and encourages
          get the project completed on time.  quality management standards.     suggestions. The duty of employees
          We use efficient methods of        TCL has developed various quality   has explained in the Company’s Safety
          resource planning to keep the cost   management tools to monitor the   manual and at the Health & Safety
          of the project minimum.            quality.                           induction talk when first joining the

          ENVIRONMENTAL                      CORPORATE SOCIAL                   CONSIDERATE

          In recognition that our activities   Technocrates Construction Ltd.   All TCL sites register with the
          have an impact on the environment   (TCL) is committed to ethical     Considerate Constructors Scheme.
          and our commitment to improve      behaviour and to sustainable       This means we are committed to
          our environmental performance      economic development while         being a good neighbour, respectful,
          and minimise harmful effects       improving the quality of life for their   safe,  responsible and considerate.
          on the environment, TCL has        workforce, their families as well as   We try to work in a way that causes
          prepared a separate Environmental   the local community and society at   as little inconvenience as possible to
          Policy and have an Environmental   large.                             our neighbours.
          Management System.
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