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Kreatype Company Profile 9
Our Specialities London areas where handling logistics are the main
concerns. We have specialised teams for installation of
precast/prestressed floors through crane operation.
Project owners who wish to delegate single source
responsibility for their project should talk to us about
our Design & Build program. This program coordinates We have specialised teams for basement construction
the entire design and construction process, including especially in proximity areas with confined spaces. We
planning permission, program development, budgeting, also provide services for ground movement monitoring
schematic design, design development, contract while basement construction is in progress.
document preparation, scheduling, construction and
commissioning. This single source solution works
well for clients who do not have the available time for
multiple points of contact. Commitment to customer
care and satisfaction, safety and a responsible
approach to the environment have resulted in repeat
business with many clients.
We have specialised project teams for the construction
of multistorey steel and concrete frame structures in
At Technocrates, we have We have a specialised for We are dedicated to providing
developed the expertise to deal basement construction especially an unbeatable service across a
with divergent requirements of in proximity areas with confined wide range of projects. We have
today’s mid-high rise building spaces. We also provide services maintained our core values with a
construction such as column-free for ground movement monitoring focus on the Client’s special needs
floor spans, mechanical extraction, while basement construction is in which are if anything even more
serving strategies, all keeping high progress. relevant as we now have a proven
environmental standards. track record in delivering projects
safely, on time and to agreed