Page 27 - Edit 1
P. 27

“Mom’s recipe?”                “You too,” I said.

        “Dad’s.”                       They turned to walk off.

        “And what’s mom make?”         “Where are you flying?” I asked.
        “Martinis.”                    He turned his head. A riot of laughter
                                       went up as the Jenga tower collapsed
        “Hey, if you’re not in therapy,
        did your parents even do       nearby.
        their job?”                    “Home.”

        He laughed.  I kissed him
        I thought he was moaning,
        until I tasted tears.

        “Are you okay?” I asked,
        pulling back.
        His eyes were red, his cheeks
        damp and blotchy. His wife
        fluttered to his side.
        “Let’s go home,” she said.

        “We just got here.”

        “Our plane leaves in nine

        “I told you to book a later
        “The funeral’s at noon.”

        He looked at me. His eyes                            La soirée
        were dry, his cheeks smooth
        and pale as marble.                                    de Noël,

        “It was really nice to meet
        you,” he said.                             Catherine Rickman

                                                        translated by C. Juchat
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