Page 22 - Edit 1
P. 22

“Someone invited me.”        “Living on the moon. Sand everywhere,
                                     cactuses in the yard. Flat for miles.”
        “Your    partner?”   he
        asked, nodding at Kyle.      “Do you go home often?”
        He must have been            “Not unless I have to.”
        watching me for a while.
                                     “Do you wanna make out?”
        “Not my partner. Just a
        guy.”                        “Sure.”
        “That’s pretty ballsy.”      He  had  the  bright,  impersonal  taste  of
                                     mouthwash. When we pulled apart, I heard
        “How about you?”
                                     a little Hm in the background.
        “It  was  my  wife’s  idea.   The woman in the lavender wig put her
        He    pointed   at  the      hand on his arm.
        woman in the lavender
        wig. “It’s our ten-year      “How you holding up?” she asked.
                                     “I’m great,” he said.
                                     “Just checking in.” She smiled, and squeezed
        “I know.”                    his arm.

        “I like your shirt.”         “She seems a little intense,” I said, when
                                     she’d gone.
        It was leather, and laced
        up in the back.              “Nah, she’s cool.”
        “Thanks.”                    “What do you normally do in your free
        “Where’s it from?”
                                     “I spend a lot of time cooking.”
        “A little town in New
        Mexico  called  Cedar        “What’s your favorite food?”
                                     “Don’t laugh.”
        “What were you doing         “Cross my heart.”
        out there?”
                                     “Spaghetti and meatballs.”
        “Visiting home.”
                                     I laughed.
        “What’s it like?”
                                     “You said you wouldn’t.”

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