Page 20 - Edit 1
P. 20


                               Catherine Rickman

        He had called it a sex party, but it   “I’m sorry, we’re all out.”
        wasn’t that, not really. It felt more   Kyle glared at me. “I bet if we’d
        like  an  office  Christmas  party     been on time, you could’ve
        that  had  gone  a  little  awry.  Men   gotten one.”
        in spandex Santa suits, strings of
        colored lights wrapped around          “Tito’s and soda.”
        bare torsos.
                                               “I hope you brought cash.”
        There were the expecteds as well.
        Girls in fishnets and lingerie. Men    “I had to take the bus,” I hissed.
        in  shiny pants and  sheer shirts      “You could’ve taken an Uber.”
        unbuttoned  all  the  way  to the
        1970s. They didn’t have a beauty       You could have  picked me  up, I
        quotient  to  fill,  but  they  would   thought.
        turn you away if you showed up in      I scanned the room. “So,” I asked.
        the wrong outfit.                      “Spin the bottle or sexy Jenga?”

        The bartender was beloved,             He   didn’t   answer,   instead
        practically a household name, and      skulking  over  to  an  empty  seat
        when Kyle asked if they had a beer     in front of the Jenga table. There
        and  shot  combo  she  replied  by     was nowhere to sit next to him,
        saying, “If Miss Scorpio heard you     so I squeezed in a few seats
        say that, she’d bite your head off.    down, in between a woman in a
        Lucky for you, I’m a Taurus.”          lavender wig and a man in a red
                                               vinyl jumpsuit.
        “Can I get a White Claw?” I asked,
        reading off the laminated menu         “Okay,” said a man in a David
        taped to the makeshift bar. It         Bowie mullet and gold hotpants.
        looked like a kid’s lemonade stand     “Here’s the rules: you pull a
        with top shelf liquor.                 plank, you do what’s on the plank.

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