Page 21 - Edit 1
P. 21

Ask  consent  first.  And  whoever    of black hair underneath, and
        loses…” he brought out a large        pushed the side of her head in my
        wooden paddle, “gets spanked.”        direction, like she was trying to
                                              hear something I was saying.
        Everyone at the table seemed to
        know each other, and they knew        She had a little seashell ear, soft
        Kyle, too. I wanted my iPhone,        to the touch. When I pulled back
        which had been locked away            out I looked over at Kyle, who was
        up front. No phones allowed. I        feeling up a girl in cat ears.
        wanted to check the time, see         Something hit me in the eye.
        if it would still be raining by the   I covered it with one hand,
        time we left. I hadn’t eaten dinner   fending  off  flying  Jenga  pieces
        and I wanted to see if Yelp had       with my other arm. Bowie bent
        any recommendations for late          dramatically over the table, and
        night snacks in Gowanus. Maybe        people took turns hitting him with
        Uber’s surge pricing would have       the paddle.
        gone down, and I could avoid
        begging Kyle for a ride home. I had   “Here,” the woman in the lavender
        posted a story on Instagram of my     wig said, thrusting it at me.
        fishnetted legs (but nothing about    I stared down at the man’s shiny
        where I was going) and wondered       golden ass. I tapped him lightly on
        if I should take it down. My mom      the rear and passed on the paddle.
        might see. She probably already
        had. I bet she was calling me right   “Pussy,” Kyle said.
        that minute, demanding to know        I sucked down my vodka soda and
        where I was—
                                              spent my last twelve dollars at the
        Someone nudged me. “Your turn.”       cash bar.

        I  picked  a  red  piece  that  read,   “You having a good time?”
        “Make out with someone’s ear.”
                                              The man who spoke to me was the
        The woman in the lavender wig,        kind of good looking that made
        reading over my shoulder, let out     people think orgies were a good
        a Whoop!                              idea.

        I made the mistake of looking her     “It’s not really my scene,” I said.
        in the eye. She tucked her wig
        behind one ear, revealing a sliver    “How’d you end up here, then?”

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