Page 19 - Edit 1
P. 19

He  sighed.  “If  you’re not  going  to   meet again, she vanished. She
        answer, we could be here for a while.”  was happy to wait.

        “Then tell me about your life.”         The young man’s parents didn’t
                                                know how long they’d spent
        His  childhood.  His  parents.  A  little   in this room. As they stepped
        brother he always quarrelled with,      across the threshold, the mother
        but loved all the same. She listened    let out a cry and the father’s
        with patient interest; he was           mouth  opened.  Their  son  had
        intriguing, in his way.
                                                turned his head to look at them.
        She came back the following
        morning. He’d been waiting for her.
        She listened again to the story of his
        life. They even laughed together.

        Strange as it might seem, Death
        became attached. Maybe her human
        appearance had clouded her mind.
        The young man, on the hand, was just
        glad to have someone to talk to.

        After   another    few    days   of
        conversation, he asked, “Can I kiss

        She sat beside him, her eyes on his.
        Then, without a word, she leaned in

        Death stopped before their lips
        touched. She knew what that
        kiss would mean; she knew how
        important it would be. No one
        touched her without paying the                     L’ Amort,
        price. The beauty of the moment
        didn’t matter.                                Laure Thibault

        She watched him. This young man,
        she told herself, had proven how                translated by J. Appleby
        alive  he  was.  Knowing  that  they’d
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