Page 6 - Revista De Salud
P. 6

personality with

                       respect to career

                     and employment.

                                                                   Personality, attitudes and                               That is why a person with qualities that
                                                                   behaviors in people reflect how                          reflect honesty, respect and tolerance can

                                                                   they could be in a world of                              be very important for the company and for

                                                                   work and professional, it is                             the growth of the professional race. If you

                                                                   very important for companies                             are a person with few skills to contribute to
                                                                   to hire staff with many skills                           the company and its profession is very low

                                                                   and abilities to work together                           the possibility to grow and have a

                                                                   and solve problems of all                                personal, professional and work stability.

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