Page 7 - Revista De Salud
P. 7

I am a very creative person and I am easily
                 dreaming of my future, projecting myself every

                 day to be the person I want, I consider myself a                                                           My

                 person with a high level of intelligence and
                 understanding related to my professional career,
                                                                                                                  My person
                 I try to be very responsible and disciplined                                              personalitality

                 although I am very Unconcerned with the order
                 of objects.

                                                                                                               I like very much social relations and build
                                                                                                               new friendships being extroverted, helping

                                                                                                               people and sensitive in the difficulties of

                                                                                                               others, I fall in love easily with people who

                                                                                                               give me support and affection.
                                                                                                               Many times I have a negative energy and I

                                                                                                               worry about very small difficulties.
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