Page 23 - Anton LaVey Speaks: The Canononical Interview
P. 23
Jack Fritscher 17
The Satanist realizes that man can be his own worst
enemy and must often be protected against himself. The
average man sets up situations for himself so he can be a
loser. We Satanists have ancient rituals which exorcise those
needs for self-abasement before they happen. We wreck
Christians’ tidy little dreams.
When you have a born-again Christian rolling orgasmi-
cally on the floor at a revival meeting claiming an ecstasy,
you tell them they’re having a “forbidden” orgasm and they
hate you for enlightening them. You’ve robbed them of their
Fritscher: You’re so evil, you’re good.
LaVey: ...of their freedom from guilt. They push their
evilness on to us. In this sense, then, we are very evil.
Fritscher: How does the public person you are impact
your private life? Americans know you baptized your daugh-
ter into the Church of Satan. Does she go to school with
Rosemary’s baby?
LaVey: I needn’t send my child to a private school. Why
should I, when children are, in fact, all natural Satanists,
perfect at manipulating everyone.
Fritscher: Undoubtedly, she will be a perfect heir.
LaVey: My daughter has no trouble at school. The major-
ity of our members are from the middle-class. At least fifty
percent of our members have children. But our members
do not proselytize at their children’s schools. Our members
rarely discuss sex, religion, and politics with outsiders.
Fritscher: What about your own politics? What about
law and order and civil rights?
LaVey: I was very liberal in my younger years. I would
have been thrown into prison during the McCarthy purge
[1951-1952] had I been of any prominence.
Fritscher: You would not have cooperated with the
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