Page 12 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
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Spank Bank fantasies of one-handed readers Drummer was never Old Guard
who wanted a virile and virilizing magazine or New Guard. Drummer was
that made the frontiers of newly liberated always Avant Garde.
sex seem possible, accessible, and boundless.
Drummer was a reader-reflexive maga- Because of its passionate readers, Drum-
zine whose stories and photos featured actual mer survived 24 years of stress from bad
leather players you could meet rather than business management, censorship, politics,
porn-studio modelles you could never touch. plague, and trauma, including that one early
What readers wanted they found—in the plot twist of bad luck becoming good luck,
homomasculine media image of themselves when the LAPD busted the infant Drummer
as newly minted leathermen and tough cus- when it was only ten months old. But that’s
tomers come alive in the cinema verite stories another story.
and the reality-show photos and drawings re- Drummer is a living history of leatherfolk
flecting what gay males really did at night. written in human blood tattooed on tribal
Neither courting nor condemning the skin.
legitimacy of effeminacy in the gay civil By the way, I can’t blame that baroque-
war around gender, Drummer changed the cowboy wanting to sell his collection of
straight homophobic stereotype dismissing Drummer. In 2017, a single issue of early
queers as “sissies” into the Platonic Ideal of Drummer lists on the internet at $99.95!
the masculine-identified new gay man. That Who knew!
archetype of the new label “Leatherman” * * * *
went viral in international popular culture, Jack Fritscher is the author of 20 books in-
fashion, and films like Cruising. cluding, Leather Blues, Gay San Francisco:
The liberal beauty of Drummer was its Eyewitness Drummer, Gay Pioneers: Drum-
social permissiveness anchored in marching mer, and Some Dance to Remember: A Mem-
to one’s own drummer. Self-reliance was the oir-Novel of San Francisco 1970-1982.
Drummer philosophy. Drummer was descrip-
tive, not prescriptive, about leather behavior. Visit
Descriptive Drummer was non-judgmental
in simply reporting how grassroots leather
lives were actually lived without command-
ments. Even though the Drummer editorial
voice was a “Top” seducing subscribers who
mostly liked to read from a deliciously over-
powered “bottom” point of view, Drummer
was no domineering Dutch uncle demand-
ing, “Thou Shalt” or “Thou Shalt Not.”
Drummer never prescribed that there was a
politically correct way to live leather because
while there may be rules around sex, nobody’s
sure what they are.