Page 141 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 141
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor
··11 a man does not keep
pace with his compamons.
perhaps 11 1s because he
hears a d11/erenl drummer leather men >N~m 10 be f.isclnated by
Let tum step to the music police. If someone walks into a leather
which he hears. however bar with an anywhere near ;ic-cur .it~ ve1 •
measured or far away " ~•on of the uniform of one or 1he more
Henry OaVJd Thoreau mili1.1ris1ic police departments, haJf the
studs are down on their kne~. tongue~
hanging out, wa1trng to be domina1ed or
6 MALECALL/ OEAR SIR " arrested" and loving It. When we were
shooting "Down in the Basement oi the
8 COPS! Stillion House" sequence rn the old
\Voffgang Vox rell!i lh how he got cauglll under che spell of blue
~Prgc in the fin.t place. Quarters setting this month, ont' of our
friends (the 'fluffer') virtu.llly had to be
12 COPMANIA remained to keep him from running up
An olf-duty guide 10. ome of the ouwandlng officers on 1he bear. and joining the action. Finally we had
on rhe .i.tre<:'l, on the page and on the screen. the two 'cops' give him .J strip-search to
14 A COP'S LAMENT cool him off. Amazing.
A cfass1c n.1rrat1ve from an unknown police officer who learned J Another, though le~ popular. turn-
few le>som aboll( crowd control. on for uniform lovers are the tony-some
year old Nui German outfits tholl
16 HELP! POLICE! Wonder why you can never find a cop when you created fear and loathing around the
nt•ecJ onel William R. McCullough shec/s some light on police and world during the Holocaust. The closer
how they gor rlla1 way
one was to the actu;il SS troops, 1he
19 IN THE BASEMENT OF THE STATION HOUSE more the fear and loathing.
A C"Ompiracy between pho1ographer Jim Wig/er and Robert Payne But there Is a fascination with at least
to uocover what realty goes on when one of the boys gets invited the trappings or these two bastion'> o(
't.lownst airs' for a little pep 1alk. macho arrogance, and we feel It Is
merely the trappings. Cays have suf-
A manuscript found in a footlocker, George Jame~on's hi~toric fered more a1 the hands of the police
1ournal of discipline at the hand:, of prison guards circa 1910. departments ANO the Na1is than virtu-
ally any other group, with the exception
33 LEATHER NOTEBOOK Larry Townsend's good advice of European Jews, of coune, in the
43 CON RAP The Drummer guide to available prisoners . .. of the Nati .
Why emulate your persecutors? Who
45 COP ART A handful of the best artists create more than a handful of knows? Gays seem to be stmng on mil·
beef behind the badge.
llary uniforms 35 well. although lhey.
SPECIAL MR. DRUMMER 1983 POSTER BONUS! li!l.e their hNero brother~. are not par·
ticularly fond of servitude in the Army.
53 DRUMBEATS There's a cop orrwo lurking among Drummer'!> abso- Navy or Marines. And lord know~ the
lute hard core claHified ad ecrion ..•
military is a!; archaically homophobic as
73 DRUM Bill Ward'} on-going 'aga of muscle meets manhood • .• any organh:a11on could be. But every-
78 TOUGH CUSTOMERS Something to sink your eyes and reeih one owns piece) of those uniforms. Per-
m10 ••• haps it is 1hesoldiers, c;ailo~ and marlne.s
that auract. 0
81 DRUMMEOIA The Berlin Film Festival, our flr~t Video reviews. and
a new novel set m the SM community highlight the media.
85 LEATHER B\JLLETIN BOARD News and evenu from all over . . .
78 DRUMMER DADDIES A very special son rells his tale.
80 FORESKIN UPDATE Bud Berkeley )hare; his mat/ . . .
86 IN PASSING The last word in >earch and seiwre .. .
Cuvc>r ·.mu orro~ilC' />d#;C Your loc:.J/ neighborhood officer, off duty, WJtting for
Ith next .h~tp11me11t Photo by Jim Wig/er
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'"'°' Mlll1'11 f""rtlft1'0fl fr um ...... ""'"'"''" l'ubll.t••d """''hlr ht "''"'""'~ l'ubl .. hina. ISll•ri<'t \Hl't'I s,111 ··-
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41•1' lO Ix> lf'tUlnf'd """'""'" ~uhtl\hin1 <Ml_...,_ na '""°'l>lbol•ty 1.,. "'-''~wl di<IMSrll D< lcM11h1n.,1h tlw mt.I ""•
\lm11Aril1 ""'"'"'" ch.atMT1·1> .,,,.. .. .,,. "' OltU"4'-lflt M>d 1NI '"'1'""'" ru1n<lckn14ll, The '""''"'~l<llton Of .tppl.ilr•
on<tt "' M,. ,,......,,, 1n ORL "'4"1 ll 1> nol ou I..-••\,.,,., "'l"Mentlh'1! or'"°"' ,,..u.i pcfll'trnu1 -'II ""'l"ll""' ron<Nn"'Jt
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