Page 145 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 145

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

     ~11  a  man  does  not  keep
     pace with his companions.
     perhaps  11  is  because  he                                            fh<'  wrillng_ in th<! i:u1d1>  C ,.iy Chi·
     hears a d1llerenc drummer                                             CJgo i) be.1left10 the lt)tlOg) of the anrac-
     Lei  lum  step  10  the music                                         uon\ of d1y. For reasons known only
     which  rre  hears.  however                                           to  those  involved,  they  cho~e lo  att.ick
     measured or tar away·                                                 DRUMMER  rore~qu.ire  during  1he  Mr.
         Henry David  Thoreau                                              lnternJtlondl Ledl her weekend with a lit·
                                                                           1le  piL'<'.e  entitled  ··oangerous  Drurns "
                                                                           While 11  never made ns point, II did rai~I' a
                                                                           few  is<tue~ that we shall u~e this space to
                                                                           .answer.  If we ch())t:  to i~nore CJy Chi·
      6  MALECAU/ DEAR SIR  Cor ~omC"thing ori your chesll                 c.igo·s diatribe. I wouldn l  have any1hing
                                                                           for this rolumn.
      8  MEN IN RUBBER  Learht>r, rope am/ chain are no11hC' only bondage    ORUMM(R  is  .iccuset..I  of pre .. en1lng
         materiah, the only coverin#l) for hot SM action, a\ Mark I  ChPsrer   ''fisting  and  many  scxu,11  activh1e-.  In
         )how) in th1!t  exclu~iv<> look at thC'  worlcl of men in rubber.   impo\)lble. d3ngerou-. .ind lethal ways." I
                                                                           c.ln't remember our ever presenting ;rny·
     17  ONE MASTER, MANY SLAVES  If you think havinR a stable of slave)   1h1ng  on fmlng.  And graphin lil..t• (Chi-
         to <lo your bid<lin~ i\ a life .. 1ylC>  you clc.~erve, let Dlfk Dykstra lead   cago)  artist  £1hmne'<o  "C.u  W,nh"
         yoll 1hrougl11he maze of ~etting up your ~tJb/e-and k<.>cpi11g il up!   drJwing\ .ue obviously tongue-in-cheek.
                                                                           We  do  give  our  readers  considerable
                                                                           credit  for  intelligence.  (Acro<os  the>  page
         Beyond leather, rope,  clla1m  and rubber lies 'Paml""·  d  m;ircrial   from their article isa !.can1ily-clad IN1hcr-
         with a different feel and effect  Mic/Mel Fnclicou-Ross mvcstigale\   man riding a giant  boomerilng, advcrfl)•
         the ma1or commcrcidl 'tOurce of the newC5f dungeon adclit1on      ing "Th<' World\ Strongesl Nitrite.'  Lea·~
                                                                           hope none of Gay ChiriJ11o's  reJdcr ..  try
     24  DRUMSTICKS  Joel Hess 11Wires  you m10  tile I lie/den  /.Jungean.   11- 1he  boomNang  we  mean,  not  the
     2S  THE PRODIGAL (CONCLUSION)  l.Jrry Townscmcl tie  rogerhC'r Ille    ORUMMlR is Jho  ilCC\N.>d of bringing
         lalr  dangling threads of h;, new look a1  lcithers anti lOns.    "prt>tensc.  chic  and  rudC'ness"  to  the
                                                                           leather \Cl'ne. Our treatmcot or Chicago
     38  CONRAP  Some rhoughrs on what  C'ari come oul of a prhon Jnd a    is "rude and distorted" when we haven't
         prhon ref,111on~hip.
                                                                           ignored Chlca8o. "And I( you ignore C.h1·
     39  '' •.• IN THE LIFE"  Robert Stenge 's short tal<' of Jdventurc in tllC' ~kin   cJgo, you ignore lc;nhcr. Period," what-
                                                                           ever th.11 means
         trade for a country boy come ro the big city.                      Our  hsue 38 I\ acru,ed of wronglully
     45  THE SEARCH  CONTINUES ••. MR. DRUMMER  1983                      li~1lng 1wo bar~ a) being leal h<-r  Wt!. .trc .it
                                                                          Mue 64, kid);  that was ycJr~ .1go .ind we
         fu,r a few eiample~ of the men who Jre wmmng regional tirle, in the   gOL  rha1  lnform.111on  from  someone In
         \Carch for Mr  Drummer 1983. and who will dll 1father 111  San l ran-  Chic<igo.
         cl\co in June for the year\ bigge't leather event!                 " This  year 1her won't  even  enwr 1hc
                                                                          Mr.  ln1erna11on.i  Lt>alher )how.  rhf' Mr.
                  MR. DRUMMER  1983-THE  REX  POSTER                      Drummer  hasn't  been chosen yet. '  1h<'
         A  Drummer  bonu~. rhe  Re>:  postl'r  for  the  1983  Mr.  Drummer   Mr, Drummerwils In the \how. hcdsluke
      __ (ontC'\ll Pu1  thh on your clungeo11 wall .m<I watch the ~team me!   Daniels and made the final  pre~cnto11ion.
                                                                          Conte~tant  ;28  w.u  Mr.  No.  Calif.
     S3  DRUMBEATS  Tile  bigges1,  lloue,1, butches/  collC'ction of ledtlwr-  Drummer  Paul Mancul. Our  final~ con·
         men anywhere m tlw world, ;me/ a/I waiting to hC'a1  whJt turm you   IC!>I  writ be held June 24 to celebrate our
        011.  If he's not here, he') nor anywhere.                        8th anniversary.  That'~ why
                                            ~~-~~~~~~--                     DRUMM[R  h.t\ been a srron~ ~uppo1·
     7 l  DRUM  Summer i~ coming and Drum h gerting ho1. crmstanlly on    1er  of  thl'  Chi<:Jgo  comest  since  the
        the lookout for ~omcwhere new to cool h1!>  clrtpping ball'       beginning.  11  has  given  morc.>  ~p.lce and
                                                          ----            more  coverage  10  it  than  anyon{'  el~e
     79  TOUGH CUSTOMERS  GN out your jock strap\ and your lubricant I    including Gay Chlrago. We drd a Chic.iso
     81  DRUMMEDJA  FILM  At liJ,11  R,micr Werner F.mhintler·~ Querelle.   $cc1ion 1wo year~ al(O in ~pile of GayC/11-
                                                                          c.:iRo forbidding our/ their ad rep lO work
     85  LEATHER  BUUETIN BOARD  All the leather/  levi new~ fit to print.   on II  DRUMMER's publishc>r  per~onall>·
                                                                          attended  th!\ year\ show  to  ~how our
     86  DRUMMER DADDIES  Are you .~till '*n  orpilJnf Ner<"\ hoJ><.>'    suripon.
     88  DRUMMEDIA VIDEO  \\lilt/ mustang-. ca11'1  up)tag<> thc>s<' ~r.lll1om!   We  J  st.:itcmcn1  here  .1  year  ago
                                                                          saymg that anyone finding fauh wilh our
     90  MR. INTERNATIONAL LEATHER  Drummer brtng' you 1ho fir~t louk     Chic.i140 c..overage wil\ looking for It  C.iy
        ar rile  rlt•\i  Mr. lmcmalional Laathert                         ChkJf(o js righ1 .ibout '>Oml'unl' being oul
                                                                          o(  siep.  but  ii  ~urc  il!>  hell  am't
     94  IN  PASSING                                                      DRUMMER.
        Joe 1 tf le11bJch  loah at 1he Mr  Drummer pr~l1m5.                                  Jahn H  Embl)

    (O\·t•r. I mm 1h1• 19111 Air  orllhPm C.1/1/urrJiJ D1u11>11tl'f <"unt•·•I. Jll•I a •m.rll •llrl· rif Ilic
    h.·1•/1.ih', 11/1010 b} /<1)\t  di• { .t\11"
    Op11ri-111• PJIW  Wt1\l\~,111l 1 nwlH>y, )/t~rA/t>t/ ,111rl 11'.lrlv: nhn111fly11111  l'\'ii:lt•r

                                                                          ACVIJllTlalNO CIA~CTOll   •• fRAlflt HATI'lf.lC
                                                                                                  tllWllllfR S
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