Page 167 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 167
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor
'II « man aoes not kee:p l~(j)!Jff
p<ir.1.1 wtlh Im; compan
wns, ne1t1.1ps 11 1s We keep hearing how liberalhrn is a1 its
bec.wsc.; ho f1c;11 s ; 1 1fil lowe\I ebb \tnC<' anyone c..:in remember.
101 ent dwmme1 Let n11n The great liberal n~pape1 columnist\
step to the music wl11ch arc gone; tht' polhlcal progre<sives have
fl(J tl(!f)(S, /IOW('Vef me:'l - been rou1ed by the ultra.right. frdnldrn
s lltJCI 0 1 lat 11 Nrl~ Roo~e11eh. John and Robert Kennedy.
Henry Dawd Thoreau Hubert Humphrey and Adlar Stevenson
seem tt1m memories. even If today'\ gen-
cr iltion can tell you who 1hcy were.
Where once 1hcre were liberal glilnl\,
now all we have Jte mental pygmies;
know-nothing• who 'ee'" 10 be inter-
8 MAUCAU/ DEAR SIR The .\moke ~rill ha\n 't cleared af1er las1 h>ue's eHed only in power. the buck .ind prayer
cigar salute in schools.
Whatever became or the llberal5r We
fKc/u5ive excerpt from a grount..lbreaking new >tudy of SM. A a'>k because the only progress the gay
/eJthermanhcholar look:. at the roots of our deepest fascinations. community has been .ible 10 make tow.ird
fir~1-cl;m c11rzensh1p has been through
17 SLAVESHAVINCI liberal causes directed by llber.ll thinking.
A wllling young )/ave prove 1us1 how pliable l>e 1~-from his once- There would appear to be no hope what·
ha1ry head to ht~ tied-up toes. ever fo1 minori1ies, )UCh u gay~. In con·
24 DRUMSTICKS !>Crvatlve circles.
Laugh until 1t hurts. We have wilh'>tood the religious right,
the polhlcal far-rrghl. pol1c.e menldlrty
25 CUmNC THREADS by David May .ind have made great. If agonl1ing.
A new w1i1er's ~tart ling fiction debut: An epic of Ma~tcr an<./ ~/;:Jve. accomplishments In the past dolen yearc,.
temptation ancl danger, wheeh within wheel!> ..• . Our \IOI<'~ are ~ought, our buying po" er •~
43 LEATHER NOTEBOOK b<'Qinning 10 be acknowledged, our tal-
Tip\ on bPnding oolh, stretching nipple:t, anrl finding a good Top- en1 ... crea11v1ty. even genius 1, recog-
p/us a new addition to the handkerchief code. ni1ed, however reluctantly. But,,
there i~ a more powerful enemy than tht'
45 WHO WILL BE THE NEXT MR. DRUMMER? combined Falwell~. Bryanh, Dcukme11-
rhc latest on the regional Mr Drummer contests, from coa5t to
coas1. Leather knighu Jnd nights to remember on the way to 1he ans. Reagans, Helms. and Hitler~. It 1\
Big One in San Francisco.
Two giant setb;ick~ have ju't recently
S3 DRUMBEATS Daddie' and som, Masters and slaves. Tops and ocurrcd to begin canceling ou1 years of
bot1onH-check 'em out! hard elfort. And 1hcy came from wllhln.
n DRUM by Bilf Ward not from wi1hou1.
In which Drum reveal:. what leathermen wear underneath their In San frnncic,ro, the forces headed by
tuxes. the mayor were 11blc 10 1ake ano1her \lep
tow<ird turning America s most liberal city
76 INTERNATIONAL LEATHER SCENE into Glendale. 01 worse. Dade County.
The new International Mhter Lei!ther. a 24-hour SM Marathon in horn a very few panicky g.iys came 1hc
Seattle. Swedi!>h rubber. and Europe'!> bigge}t leather evem ever! idea 10 clo~e the bath'> bccau~c ol the
81 TOUGH CUSTOMERS pl.igue. And that other \1dc took full
Our venion of Candid Camera-what you ~ee is wha1 you'll get! advantage or 1ha1 hrteria. We ended up
.i<""compli$hlng exactly what they wan1cd
83 TOUCH SHrT us 10 do. The police pr~ence i\ back whh
8n1l:.h manhole,, GPrman \ailon. and how to live forever ...
U!> ancJ rhe baths are Ju~I a beginning.
85 DRUMMEDIA VIDEO In M lnneapolls. 1he fr minim \\ere able
David Ne;,or's A Winter's I ail will give fhrfuckers their fill. to bring in good old fashioned <"en\or-
90 ORUMMEDIA BOOKS sh1p, using the ploy that poroography w,h
New book~ by John Pre~ton and A.N. Roque/au re-a long. hard look detrinwnial 10 the image of womcm. If
in th<! mirror, and a dazzling trip through the looking glass. that school of thought continu<.-s, ii won'1
be ju!>! 1he T&A maga1lnC1 tha1 will t'nd
91 DRUMMIDIA FILMS up geuing burned. Using lhdt s.1mc
For1y Deuce takes a walk on New York\ wild side, A bodyguard ratlonall.t.ttion, one can work ,tlf 1he way
miJ1!1t helf)-an interpreter is e:.sentlal. up to the Bible's OlcJTes1amcm (,tf.ivorile
94 IN PASSING Something big and sofl and furry ... in a jock)lrap. uf the 1ally anti~emctk right wing), the
text o rch is tar more male chauvrnmic
1hJ1 11 mtl·homosexual
\'\ hl these ~rback\ occur. r alw£>11.
Schfarl.. & Comp.lny smile in triumph J\
i.o~.., .itttl Oppo~1I• I\ lri••'>on f101111f1~· /t'~t'l1d of So1m)(:ln-wl1L•n tilt' lr.ilr guh '>hum. \O they w.uch us accomplish what rhey were
c/°'" 1111 ''""''' tc'\l\lolnH· Photo\ b)' Jim Wi11l••r nol able 10 do And we did ii lo our.elves.
Liberalism, which has brought the grCJt
advance~ throughout hl~tory, i'> lar from
dead. 8ut II h 1a!...1ng a terrible bearing
from It\ friends..
/oho H Embry. Pvhll\her