Page 171 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 171

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

        "'ff a  man does not l<eep
        pace  w1t11  hrs  compan-
        1on s,  perhaps  11  is                                          All THE SAO YOUNG MCN
        because he hears a d1f·                                            One of the ~ure~t wa~ or keeping you
        lerent drummer  Let him                                           from re<1ding this column. even if you are
        step to the music which                                          so inclined. ii. to mention Al OS. There hil~
        he hears. however mea·                                           been a moum.iin of information and mi)-
        sured or far away"                                               111rorma11on  on thi ..  terrible plague  The
         Henry David Thoreau                                             nt>w\paper~  have•  ellptoitcd  it,  bu1  not
                                                                         nearly so maliciou\ly J\ have lcr ry Falwell
                                                                         .Jnd  his  ilk. Their feeding off the sgnor·
                                                                         ance  and  fear  ~urroundtng the dreaded
     6  MALECALL/DEAR SIR                                                .i1lmen1  border~ on criminal.
                                                                           To  It~  credit,  the  gay  community  ha~
    10  HOUSEBOY
        Nobody knowl how to break 'em in like Roberr Payne. A .. 11mu/aring   gathered round and held fund rJi,er~ big
                                                                         and small with varying ~uccess. 10 ~p •t..'<.l
        look at  householcl d1.11icl-strictly for the M<hter of the hou,e!
                                                                         r~c<1rch on  1he  cau~ 11nd  cure.  Th1,,  I
    17  RAPE  AS  PUNISHMENT by Adam Starchild                           firmly hel1cve. i~ govcinmcnt\ job, and ii
        The startling secrc1  history of organized rape-from CttHJ(/e, to   the administrJtlon any kind of 'out ii
        chain gang.  1 he tr ad Ir ion continues . ..                    would have gonen on it a long ttme ago.
    22  S&M CYM REVISITED  by Robert Payne                               Right  now  it  should  drop  the  ob~t'ne
        You know what they .say:  No pain. no gaml                       com of an obsolete tankor1wo and really
                                                                         get  10 work. It  can't be too font( before
                                                                         1his plague spread~ 10 the gen er al populJ·
    25  ECSTASY & STRENGTH  by Tim  Barrus                               11on. Right  now we olre sure 1ha1  It ii.  for
        I le was the man who couldn't ~ay yes-even if you begged him 10.   more prevalent in the iltmc<l forces than
    28  BOOT SLAVE by Lars                                               the Pent.igon would have us believe.
        He couldn'1 ,,ee him1tclf as a willing, plc;iding slave. If he wa' 10 be a   But  go ahead  with  vour  rund  raiscr'lo.
        piece of property. it  would have to be in total bondaRc.  For  real.   However,  be  !>ure  where  the  money 1~
        Forever  ...                                                     going and what It I\ to be U\Cd for. There
                                                                         arc  group~ who  do  beautiful.  unselfish
    38  WET DREAMS  by Jame  Moore                                       service to 1hc guys who alrN<ly have been
        Wild plungcl 11110 the erotic dream<capP of a very restless ~feeper.   diagno~ed with AIDS. They provide them
        5ometimCl  ex is  more exciti11g with your eye.) closed.         wHh  many  thmgr;  lh<'ir  government
    43  THE LEATHER  NOTEBOOK                                            doe~n·1.  and  in  milny  t'<l .. e\,  can'1.  Let
                                                                         them know $Omchow you care, th.ti you
    45  CORD BRIGGS:  STRUNG UP                                          are with 1hem, 1ha1  they are no1  alone.
        Bondage  by  Fledermau,.  Dungeon  by  Larry Towmentl.  Phoro·     The  C)(pt<.'S\ion,  "There  but  for  1he
        graphy by Zcu!t.  Is this too much for one lowly slave 10 bead   grace of Cod. go I" could never be more
    53  DRUMBEATS  Where the horte$1  number, meet man-to-man.           true. II  isn't vou, thank God. So what arc
    73  ORUM by  Bill Ward                                               you doing for tho~c brothcts who ;ue not
       Our burly hero decide( to pump >Ome iron-a11d emfs up gelling     so  fortunate?  Avoid  them,  di~a~~oc1atc
       pumped instea<.I!                                                 you1,elf from them?
                                                                           Many  arc  dc\p<'rately  ill,  m.1ny  art~
    76  DRUMMER DADDIES                                                  dying. Uni~<, they live In a more enlight-
       They're back-new lruc-life tales of Daddies and sons.             ened are.i,  they arc treated  likt•\
    78  INTERNATIONAL LEATHER SCENE                                      even  by medical  personnel who sure d'>
       Global nocec; on what l  hot, from high-brow leather arr ro lowdown   hell c,houtd know better. My dcn1is1 told
       and dirty wre(l/ing.                                              me of treating J  patient (not his) who had
                                                                         been turned down by a h.Jlf dolcn othc:>r
    82  TOUCH CUSTOMERS                                                  den11m becaust' the guy had been diag-
    85  TOUCH SHIT                                                       nosed  a\  having  AIDS.  Sounds like  the
                                                                         dark ages.
    87  ORUMMEDIA VIDEO                                                    We have probably ;ill been C)(po\<'d JI
        /\  rh/\ the look  of the gay  video  fuwre?  You'll hardly need  Big
       BrCJ1hcr wl1en  Daddy Does a Video.                               one time or another. Guard your hc.Jhh
                                                                         wuh  the  best  you've  got. And do 'omc-
    90  DRUMMEDIA  BOOKS                                                 thing pcr~nally for \Omt'onc who nl'eds
       Puni~hmcm, dilciplinc. and t '1e Cu fr of r he Marine meet in The Brig.   tour comfort and your love.
    91  DRUMMEDIA flLMS                                                                      John H. Embry
       8ott1C'd pa,siom erupr in Volcano-truth i\ ,,,..,ngcr rh,m fic1io11
    94  IN  PASSING                                                      PtlllllSHHI           JOHN H lM!lRY
       Great  ball" o' fire!                                             CO Pl.lflUSH~          l.IAlllO SIUONl
                                                                         ~fl P\Jlll ISfl~R   Jl)ttN W Nl'Nllf RRY
                                                                         UlllOR   .             Pllll(RI PAYNE
                                                                         AS.~IE ~DllOlllACllOH   SfEVfN SAYLOR
       Cow:r• Bwtu>, M.1>tcr of the Compour1rl  Drummc•rff>fo            AllJ OIRfC 1011    LAUR( 'I SH lt;HAtJfJl
                                                                         ASSOC:IAlt AAt IHRfCloM   PAI UROOHAJll
                                                                         tfCHMt:Al PJIOOUCllllN   JOSE.  DUMAS
       Of•floHlt> P••JI<". lt1•.tvy l1cmrla1w. l<'m•>lylc. Plmto hr At1k.1I 8.JI<'>
                                                                         fYPESf1 f1'NG          fRAH  CLARX
                                                                         AC((!IJN  IN.G        DlNIS GrDIJllEY
                                                                         ~EADER Sf:RVICES      TRAC(" MORGAN
                                                                         SHIPl'ltlG           Jl.RRY GU llLllA(l
                                                                         LEGAL                  tlROWN  UAll(
                                                                         ADVEllTISING OlllECTOA   11100 VICTOR
                                                                                    ,, lSl 543-S.30
                                                                                                ORl)MMER  1
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