Page 179 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 179

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

           "If a man does not keep pace                                      Here Is an that wlll sound like
           w1f/I hls companions. pet heps                                  a ~u~cription ad. perhaps, but It n~d~
           it is because he hears a d1l-                                   10 be said. for /lever.ti year) Drummer has
           terent 111ummer. Let him step                                   done It~ uwn c1rculi1tton rather than be
           to lhe mUSJC which he hears.                                    d1mlbu1ed by some or lht> biggies. That~
           tcwevet maawt!CI a faraW"Jy                                     the reason (other  th•n Drummer Itself)
              Henry Oavtd Thoreau                                          you won'1 find us 1n c~nvenience S1ore1i
                                                                           and ~uperm.uke1~. Thl~e <>re area'> in the
                                                                           country  when.~ the  rec1ding  materials  i~
                                                                           conirolled  .:ind  cenM>red  by  th~c Into
                                                                           1u~t  that,  and  n11turally  we  • .void those
                                                                           <m.•a\  The gay,11ln~ which are no1
                                                                           published by HJYS enjoy much wider c1r-
        6  PECSt  by T.R. Witomski
           l<'s  whal  up from  tha<  counl\-f/a\hb.ick!>,  lanta!>les Jm./ !ltern   culallon the few who tlre. This is che
                                                                           nalure or thmgs.
           advice from a pee-connoisseur.
                                                                             We are no longe1 first d.m \Ub-
       12  BIG DICK  ROUND-UP                                              1"1crip1ion1,, other rh,m 1hoseoverseas. We
           Or:  Shoot~out al  the  Corral-ok<lyl  Choosing  the  mo)f and   have  to  charge  100  much  for  them
           meat i~t may require a slide rule.                              becau~e of  the exorb11.in1 poslage and
       15  DRUMMER REPORT                                                  they  ~eldom arrl1<e  faster  We are ship·
           Hot flashe5  from  the front:  London rubber ~et.; ib wJy, .}/ave   ping  earlier  ro  our  preferred
           trainer busted in LA,  leather on cable doesn t pay.            CU\tome1\-those  who  ~uppon  u~  b)•
                                                                           ~ubscribtng While they p.&y le" for their
       19  MALECAU/ DEAR  SIR
                                                                           copy ot Orumm(•r, I hey give u~ an oper·
       20  DRUMMER DADDIES                                                 ~tmg fund  whkh  doei.  not  necenarily
           The cards and fetc(!fl keep pouring in  All new, 0111  hot!     come lrom regular dlmlbuuon
       24  DRUMSTICKS                                                        Drumm(•r  h  developing a  new  look
       25  SMUGGLER'S MOON by Lars Eighner                                 and a n~" shape. You will find  there k
           ~ moody tale of men on the run from a cl.irk ob)e)!>ion th.ii ha~   more to It than in any of 1he pumy pack·
           no name.                                                        ;1gt's  you  can  ab<iorb  in  a  few  minut~
                                                                           lime 1111he news~tc1nd. There h meitl and
       30  MALORY & HIS MASTERS  by Tom Hardy                              pa1;1toes  in Drummer and ns once out-
           Concluding young Malory'  journey into ~tavery-lrom MJ~ter      r .1geou) CO)t i5 )mall potatoes by 1oday's
           to Cop to Kennel.                                               ~tandard\.
       43  LEATHER NOTEBOOK                                                  You wane what Drummer has 10 offerl
       45  HUN ART                                                         Fill out the damn.fool coupon on p:ise
           Drummer salute) the outrageous Hum with J  lantJ~lic four-page   ~ and mall us your hard-earned money
           foldout I                                                       or credit  aTd number.  It'~ your maga-
                                                                           zine and It has a lot walling In rhe wings
       Sl  DRUMBEATS
                                                                           on th!$, 1t$ tenth year of being A.merlca'j
       73  DRUMMEDIA MOVIES                                                M.t~ for fhe Macho Male.
           Dune is a// about sandworm envy. Sring'  bikini, .mcl the ~1,ice of   That\ you. kid.
           Chain  Rcaction5  falls  to  >PiJrk  Scdtman  >ih  on  the  pot  and
          1abbers;  Rope that Works Lies  you in knots.
           The bell (and wors1) of Jack Frl1scl1er Is  c;iu~hr between coven in
           Corporal In Charge and Leather  Blu~               _
       83  DRUM  by Bill Ward
          Drum and Dad come Lo blow>-watch out I
          Daddy spanks  boy.  M d~lt!r ~pank) )/cJve.  Man ~p.mks m,m ••.
          Where Drummer readers  <trut their stuff.
       90  YOU  ASKED  FOR IT
          And nobody but Drummer has ir .. •
       94  IN PASSING
     Co11eor: /\ wtl!Ol" from Olympu>. up1u1<-<I byt/1e (j/ r.t•th.ird r.,hl
     Oppo>lh  P1sc  Phuto by R,.llll• Sludlo.
     lrnPr photo by Jim Mos~
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