Page 183 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 183
Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor
~If o man doe.s not keep
pace wtth his compon-
10ns. perhaps 11 fs because
he hears o different
drummer let him step to
lhe music which he hears.
however measured or far
Henry David Thoreau
An eyewitness look imicJe one of San franc1!.co's mo!>I
progrc:-sive enc/Jve!> for the bonclagc> aficionado. The
atmosphtJrc i~ frienc/ly, .,ane .me/ lwll
The M (L)f er of Mast er<. i" back like you· ve never ~ecn-or at le•bt
ht!.ird-him before. When Brutu) drops lly 1Jie Compound,
anythiug\ likrly ro happen ...
II isn't hilrd 10 tell it is Spring, even In
15 REPORT Callforni.t. For us cit DRUMMER, we know
20 MALECALL because 1he Mr. D1ummer partie~ 1:e1
organized, 1he conlCStdl'lb pring forth
22 DRUMMER DADDIES like buds on the pl&1n1s. During th1\, the
True> Idle.. of fatherly <li>cipline-a bfoterlng lnp to the tenth anniversary year, c1 lot of planning
__ .;...w....;;oocl~hed, pin~ the ~tory bcl1ind a c1uartpr-millio11 pu:.hup).
and .ir1iv1ty has been happening, l'\/Cn
26 DRUMSTICKS belore spring ha~ sprung. All 1ho$C
27 DRUMMER FICTION: Winter month~ in dark. swea1y gymi. have
paid off and many of the imptC<i~ive
COCKWALK (Part One) by Don Perry bodlc~ we knew l•m yea1 arc now
Oncl' in a blue moon comes an crotir 'tory so i111en e it bore/er'
011 clclirium. Join LJ) on the lonl!e't journey of a young man·~ spee1c1cular
lifo-pa1acled naked rhrough the room!I of .in Pmpry hou~e. Thal 1) as good a word as any LO dCSC'rlOc>
\()e.Jretl to tl1't hilt 011 the Ole/ Mdt1') me.u ... what i~ plc1nned for this lune In San
rranclsco, 1he le.ilher cap11al. fl will be a
BEAUTY'S RELEASE by A.N. Roquelaure \pcelacular with men from all over 1he
An (>xc/11,1ve J<./vance preview of the mcht talked-ct6out SM nallon. not just contestanh, but tide
rrow•I cif the year-the )tunning condtf\ion to thc> 11otoriou~ holders for their p.mlcular rt'gion. In chi)
Be.wty Trilogy. i~sue, when you ~urvlve tlw ~taplcs and
49 lfATHER NOTEBOOK fold il ou1. you will find a poster for tht>
Mr Drummer party 1n your ;ire" and
r rom the eye-opening care/ coll<>rt ion of Rob AnNerdam. d look maybe even come forth a<> a contestant.
at the work of rmc of Drummer's favorite a1 ti"'' a' you'v<> never We havt.> great pl:ins for the Mr. Drummer
~ee11 it before. this year. And for DRUMMER 11~elr
The leather rratetntly is blo~soming .IS
CENTERFOLD POSTER! well. if that Is a proper word. Ou1 new 16-
ThC> 3earch for Mr. Drummer '85 begim-a11<Uou arc.• there! PJ~e New~le.1ther Is going out w11h the
59 DEAR SIR! applrcauon pagl'!. comin8 back last .ind
Our C'Kf)am/cr/ new clauificc/!) 3eClion-morP men meeri11g 1h1ck. Wh.11~er el:oe you m.ay find in it.
more men than ever before! the Leather rraiernh) makes DRUMM(R
83 DRUMMEOIA BOOKS mo1e th.m 1u~1 a magazine on the
newsstand. II is made up of real pl'oplc.
like you, who have much in common and
92 DRUMMEDIA MOVIES cannot find an ou1lc1 for 1hemsdv~ in
95 ORUM by Bill Ward mo~t of I hc glouy say rnags.
Our com1(' hero takes .i literary turn-with a rwi:.1. ____ _ We had an editor some year~ back who
98 DYNASTY still refers 10 the time he \pent with u~ as
''The Golden Age of ORUMMCR." We
..• w11h J difference.
remember the good pans of thoo,e time .. ,
104 DRESSING UP YOUR DICK but 1f there is .1 Colden Age (or this
Or: Our r.em1-annual ~pring fai;/Jion preview, for tht.• man who maga1ine, 11 would be the here .md how
wears nothing JI all. Beginning with this is)ue, which
106 IN PASSING incidentally h11s more personal d.issineds
rhan we have ever run beforc.-ar one 11nic
Cuwr. Wit.II Ille ubt•il1l'llt •• 1:1w1•Jrm1r1#1" )fJTlllH-l•<'ltl up for your 1mp .. 111v11 by Su as <oon a~ this 1s~ut• gO<!S 10 pres~, we
.w.111c•r 8ru1u •. Dwmmf!rlrne1 Opf1<Nle P.tlW C.irlclyupt nrumnit-rfotcl
.ue going to lay back. as we get our boors
~------------------------------~~ I pohshc~ drc~rn up ~ome new pro~ci~
for rhe coming year while enjoying an
attack of Spring Fever during thi~ Colden
A~e. 0