Page 185 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 185

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

     ''If o mon does not keep
    poce  with  his  compon-
     tons. perhaps it Is because
     he  hears  o  different
     drummer.  Lat him step to
     the music which he hears.
     however moo.sured or for
       Henry David Thoreau

                                                                           As you damned well know. DRUMMER
      4  THE ENEMA by Jason Bleu
         Chris Burns Hars as a young bottom em.laved 10 the only Ma\ler.   is  an  international  mag.uine refle(ling.
                                                                         lot lack of a be11er term. the Leather Phe-
         and rhe only means, able lo fill hb deepe5t need.
                                                                         nomenon  these  pa~t  ten yt?ars.  In miilny
     12  MUMMIACATION by Tom of Virginia                                 areas. leather and it~ m~tique are evolv-
         A  Master  of the  ultimate  in  bondage  !>hare~ \Ome  per~onal   ing; there are a few spot\  in which ~ome
         ob,ervat1om. If rhe Cgypt1an• had only hat.l ma~king tape •..   seem to have gone on to 01 her things. We
     15  REPORT                                                          are becoming aware of huge areas where
                                                                         they  are  jusl  now  discovering  it.  In
     20  MALECALL
                                                                         Cu rope, It ~eems to be at an all-time high.
     22  DRUMMER  DADDIES                                                In many metropolhan centers. h I~ under-
     26  DRUMSTICKS                                                      going  some  transmon  due  to  the  AIDS
     27  DRUMMER  FICTION                                        In  most  place~ It  ,.,  being  newly
                                                                         discovered  as  an  alternJt1ve  10  fluirf-
         COCKWAlK (Part Two) by Don Perry                                exchanging  vanilla  sex.  Nol  only  \Vilh
         The ~corchi11g ro11clu~ior1 lo the summer\ hottest fid1on, as the   gays, but with hetermt»cual\ as well. After
         Ohl Man ,md the Boy make theirtortuou  way to Virgil's hou~e­
        and 10 more r/1Jn  one deV<hlaling cllm.JX.                      all, the "straights" have ~n led to much
                                                                         of  their  fashions,  their  re<.rec1tion  and
        THE  RAPE OF PANAMA TOWN by David Alan                           entertainment  by  gay~. Why should lca-
         Re1urn wltll U.\ 11ow to the brutal c/ayl of the rovinl( buccaneers,   thersex be anythinK diffc1entl
         when Captain Morgan reigned with lire and sword, and captive      The premise that It i\  possible 10 hdve
         men /lad no ocher choice than to ~ubmit .. .                    )cxual  enjoyment  without  risking infec-
     49  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK                                               tion makes :ill tho;c fctishe~ which don't
                                                                         involve body fluid exchanges all the more
     St  WHO WILL  BE THE NEW  MR. DRUMMER~                              desirable. PJtticularly if they turn you on.
         The heat I!!  on-Jncf reaching fover pitch across the country, as
        regmnal lllleholclers prepar~ for a San Franci>co showdown.      And leathersex d~ have that tendency.
                                                                         heaven lnows.
     S4  DEAR SIR!
        Our man-10-man cla!l:;ified  }eCfion  keeps getting bigger-<md     One of the mystcnes of the immensely
         /011ger and harder, too!                                        popular International Mr. Leather contest
                                                                         held each May in Chicago 1~ !heir dbscnce
     83  DRUMMEDIA VIDEO                                                 or follow-up. Very little is heard concern-
        A  new trer1<./ and 11ew  men from Old Reliable spark a re,b.)e.\s-  ing the winner by any publKation outside
        ment of rough tracle.
                                                                         or 1he  Chicago .irc.i.  Gelling photogra-
     89  DRUMMEDIA BOOKS                                                 phic coverage out of 1l5 promoters i~ like
        /olm Pre~ton and company presem a collection of erotic stories   pulling  teeth-eventually,  there  I~  a
        about  afcr J>ex.                                                standard  banner-over·1he-shoulder-
     93  DRUMMEOIA MOVIES                                                holding-roses  sho1. The best w;iy lo get
        San  francisco'~ Cay film rest includes a  •pring cleaning of the   any decent  shots or the beet especially
        celluloid,  from  early Bri1hh  breakthroughs co  vintage   anything  offstage,  i'>  to  send  your own
         Wc~t  Coa't camp.                                               photographer.  The  resulting  Interna-
                                                                         tional  Mr.  Lea1her  i>  ~sen11ally  on  his
     9S  DRUM  by Bill Ward
                                                                         own  during his reigning year. Although
     98  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                                 promoter  Chuck  Renslow  Is  extremely
        A  new  b.-11ch of readcn in the raw.                            generous with his priLes. hospitality and
    100  MANHOOD RITUALS 1: THE  COMPOUND                                transporra1ion  10  the  winner.  his
        SnC"ak Prevtew of one al the hottest photo-boob ever whit the    bc1ween-1he-comcst~ promotion i:. i 1lch.
        preues-Robc11  Payne !tlrip!t  bare  the  my~<ique of Ma11houd   lhis  year  \cems  to be  not  in  the  least
        Ruuah al the my~lenous Compound,                                 dirte1en1.
                                                                           r ortunatcly for us. we have lilrgc fil~or
    106  IN  PASSING
                                                                         the  winner.  Patrick Toner. We had  the
                                                                         dhtinction of discovering him and he has
    Cov!'r.  Mr  Soulhl'm Calllurr1111  Orumml't  1985. I l.ill\urr.  from (\f,,,.., Film>'   graced our pages and cove~. He wu an
    Ch.tin RNc:11on~ Oi>f1t1•111• f>.rgt'.  rh1  SNrrh fnr Mr. Drumnwr #1r;ih up. PllOlo by Rmu
    iJ,1  C.urrn                                                         entry In our last year's Mr. Northern C;tfl·
                                                                         fornia  Drummer  contest  and  has  per-
                                                                         forrned  al  othc",  hi(  most  recent
                                                                         appearance  being  at  thE'  Mr  5ourhern
                                                                         Cal!rornla Drummer show a1 Probe in Los
                                                                         Angeles 1n May. Hi!> win Is well-de~ervec.l
                                                                                         C'tmuruiro on P"il" 19
                                                                                                ORVMMER  3
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