Page 187 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 187

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

                                                                            from pr«cdrng p<1ge
       ·1r o  man does not keep                                             word "outrageous" under our S3.95
      poce  wtfh  his  compan·                                              price  when  every  Tom.  Dick  and
      Ions. perhaps ii 1s because                                           Harry raised their price to match 1t. I
      he  hears  o  different                                               guess we can put it back now rhat we
      drummer.  Let him step to                                             are  at  $4.95.  DRUMMER  has  never
      the music wh!Ch he hears.                                             been a magazrne that you can absorb
      howcwer measured or far                                               while standing at the newsstand. Ir is a
                                                                            meat-and-potatoes  (more  of  the
         Henry Oovld  Thoreau
                                                                            former  than  the  latter)  periodical
                                                                            which  has  introduced  more  new
         6  MR. DRUMMER 1985                                                artists.  writers  and  phorographers
             They came,  they saw,  they conquered-but not necessarily in   than any other gay mag. As I  thumb
             1hat order/ The Search for Mr. Drummer '85comes1oadramatlc     through  one $10.95  offering  (at  the
            climaJlt. with nine top contenders •urning Leather's BigNishl into   newsstand) it 1s like revisiting DRUM-
            the biggell. boldest Mr. Drummer conres1 evPr.                  MER  rssues of ten years past, except
        17  REPORT                                                          o ur discoveries and pioneering now
            Wrapping up the leather scene from coast 10 coast.              is  reborn  in  four  colors  on  one-
        20  MALECAH                                                         hundred pound stock.
        23  DRUMMER  DADDIES
            Tall tales and true confcss1ons for Jeathermen young and old.
            A  look back  on ten ye.irs  of laughter from rhe dungeon.
        29  DRUMMER FICTION:
            FOUR ON ICE by Phll Andros
            To celebrate our big tenth anniversary, a new novelette from the
            Grand Mas1er of gay erotica. High above the Arctic Circle, four
            men m heat set off fireworks to nval the Aurora Borealis!
            Brother Larry Townsend explains  ii all for you.
            A PATRICK TONER PORTFOLIO                                           tmw  surur  PRMJ  RUIEIS
            From  Drummer  coverman  and  model  co  international  title-      .t•l!..:t  t&.tlEl•.wnl•M."t:.l\lt"Wll.'...
            holder. che pictorial )dga of a young leatherman headed srraig/>1   TEN  YfARS:Tht> covrr of our premiere ruue.
            for the top.
        61  DEAR SIR!                                                        Subscriprions will go up too. along
            Cruising for a bruising/                                       wilh  Leather  Fraterniry  rates,  so  I
        85  DRUMMEDIA BOOKS                                                would take advantge of this interval if
            A dozen top writers and editor  of gay erotica reveal the sources   you  are  not already a subscriber. We
            of their private pleasure.                                     no longer can offer fim-clan postage
        93  DRUMMEOIA ART                                                  su bscriptions because oft he o utrage-
            Marrin of )pills the beans!                            ous postal rates-other 1han overseas
        95  ORUMMEOIA MOVIES                                               and Canada, since there  is no other
            William  Hurt plays g;iy in Kiss of the Spider Woman.          way 10 get anything 10 those places in
                                                                           the  same quaner or rhe year.
        97  DRUM  by Bill Ward
            Ten  year5  later,  and feathcrdom's  favorite comic hero  is  still   Our Tenth Arm1versary Mr. Drum-
           going hard and last                                             mer conrest was a smashing success
       100  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                                and we  want to  thank all  those who
           Candid  Camera for the SM crowd.                                took  pan.  The  contes1ants  were
                                                                           excellent and 1he show was grea1. as
       102  THE COMPLETE DRUMMER FICTION/ FmSH INDEX, 1975-1935            will  be  rhe  re!.uhlng  video.  We  are
           lfldhpemable! Ten years  of outrageous fact,  fiction and filth at
           your fingertips.                                                delighted  with our new Mr.  Drum-
                                                                           mer.  Ir  was  nice  being with  friends
       110  IN  PASSING
                                                                           during this milestone in  the saga of
                                                                             Now  that  the  celebration  is  over,
                                                                           we are moving to our new building at
                                                                           640  Natoma  to add chaos  to confu-
                                                                           sion. This will be accomplished by the
                                                                           end o( this monrh and we can s1an on
                                                                           producing new product!. and videos.
      Co~"' Sll'vt:'n Rer)Wlff, Mr  Drummer 1985. itruh hh consit./crablt' ttulf for 1l1c crowd .11   Things  are  changing.  and  for  the
      Le..rhcr, HiK Nrghr  Photo b'1 P:it urquharl Oppositf' p.ige· Thf' Jahri• Oilnccn 1/0 ii 011   best.  Thanks  for  being  around  to
      1111• s Mr DrummN comc•t-S.m lrJnchro 's K.1bukl rhr.itrr neverp/Jycd host   enioy them with us.
      10 .1r1y1hrng like thi>I P/1010 by Ro.e de C .u1ro.
                                                                                            -John H. Embry
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