Page 191 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 191

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                         Robert Payne, Editor-in-Chief; Steven Saylor, Editor

                                                                          {f~:J1/ (1 (J f/4 ~/R} (i)Jr~)t 11

     "If o man does not keep pace                                           We  ;ire  indebted  10  the  New  York
     wtth his companions. perhaps If                                      Native for the following:
     is beeouse he hears o different                                        "Apparently.  Jerry  Falwell  is  familiar
     drummer.  Let him step to the                                        with  the  New  York  N;llive.  which  Ted
     music which he hears. however                                        Koppel  mentioned on his (ABC) edition
     measured or for O'NOY. ~                                             of Nightllne. KopJM!I quoted from a leuer
                                                                          signed  by  Falwell  that  was  sent  to  the
            Henry David Thoreau
                                                                          Moral Majority flock; the Native printed
                                                                          the letter. Falwell denied that he had sent
        4  SPECIAL SECTION:                                               oul the letter, which mu~t have come as a
           A SERIOUS LOOK AT SM                                           surprl~e to 1he thou$ands of people who
           In 1985, SM is more out of the closet-and more controversial-  received it on his stationery. Falwell ls one
           lhan ever  /() time for some ~traight talk. Starting on page 4 are   of  the  more  dishonest  and  dangerous
           excerpt  from  Sadomasochism:  True  Confessions, a  work-in-  demagogues  on  the  American  scene
           progress  by  photographer  Bill  Bowen  and  interviewer  Tim   today,  and  we  wonder  why  he  was
           8arru~-a raw. provocative look into private lives. Beginning on   brought In  to d<!bate an Issue like >.IDS.
           page 14 1s SM: A View of Sadomilsochism by Don Miesen of the   Falwell  belon~ In ~uch a position as much
          Society of Janus,  one of tl1e  most clear-headed and authentic   as  a  member  of the  Ku  Klux  Klan.  And
           introductions to 1he  ubject we've yet discovered.             someone should teach him how to pro·
                                                                          nounce  Friedman-Kien.  It's  the  kind  of
       18  HUN-Of-THE-MONTH                                               Mme  his  crowd  etlway~  had  trouble
           Get ready-can you handle one of these guys every month?        pronouncing."
       19  REPORT                                                         GOODBYE POPPERS!
       26  MALECAll                                                         "Studies show that 96% (at least) of the
                                                                          gay men with AIDS u~ed poppers. usually
       28  DRUMMER DADDIES                                                qui1e  heavily.  Three  different  studies
       30  DRUMSTICKS                                                     found  that exposure to amyl  or isobutyl
       31  MAil-ORDER  MUSQE by Joey Ganimeed                             nil rite, ell her through Injection or Inhala-
                                                                          tion, caused Immunological deficiency 1n
          Ayoun/f bodybuilder into wrestling, a mail-order trainer, and a
          whopping ca)e of mistaken identity-the confusion almost gets    mice. In a fourth study. mice exposed to
                                                                          lsobutyl  nitrite  vapors  developed  tym1c
          out of hand.  Who can think stra1gh1  with a roaring hard-on/
                                                                          atrophy. Autopsi~ of AIDS vldlms show
       37  DRILL SERGEANT by Bolt Tanner                                  the  thymus  gland  10  be  destroyed.  No
          When the Sergeanl tells a raw recrui1 to get down on rhe mat-   1hymus gland. no immune system. A fifth
          he goes down I                                                  mice study could not be urrled throuRh
       40  FLY  (Put Two) by Don Perry                                    to completion. RegardlesJ of whether the
                                                                          isobutyl  nhrite was  ingested, inhaled or
          Our burly !>lud's unsatisfied anal urge is about to get taken care   injected, all of the mice died.
          of-in a bigger way than he expects.
                                                                            "Aside from  1hat,  poppers are known
       49  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK                                              to cause Heinz body cell anemia, methe-
          Larry Towmend take1 a ball-chain freak 10 task.                 moglob1nem1a, serious skin burns. death
       51  SPECIAL CATALOG SUPPLEMENT: THE SOURO                          or brain damdge from cardiovascular col·
                                                                          lapse or stroke, dizziness., headaches .-ind
       59  DEAR  SIR!                                                     lung problems. Poppers have been used
          More me11  than you can shake a dick at I                       to commit suicide and murder.
       79  DRUMMEDIA MOVIES                                                 "Poppers became a fod among gay men
          Arthur  Bressan's  Buddies  tackles  politics,  death  and  self-  In  1972,  just seven years  before the flr~l
          discovery on the big screen.                                    ca~s of AIDS  began to be diagnosed."
                                                                                               John L.lurltsen
          S?ulli  by Southwest:  Two erotic, eye-opening fiction antholo-   MARGE ANDERSON was no stranger to
          gies uncover 1exas men and Georgia rednecks.                    gety  journalism. YCilr:>  ago she helped set
                                                                          up Oar.a  Boy  in Southern California and
       88  DRUMMEDIA VIDEO                                                did  all  its  typesetting.  She  typeset
           Choices  from Adam & Co.:  wild men  in a high-tech environ-   Drummer  as  well  when we were there,
          ment. or high-tech in the wild?                                 then moved up 10 San Francisco with u~ In
       91  DRUM  by Bill WMd                                              '78. Her only reaction 10 our purple prose
          Sometimes, even Drum )(rikes out . ..                           was to tell me once that "typing this ~tu ff
                                                                          makes  me  horny  as  hell  and,  dammit,
       94  CREASY JOCKS!                                                  there  is  nothing  In  the  building  e1Ccept
          Photographer Robert  Pru2an  takes  us  on an inside tour of an   gay  guys,..  and  sne  would  laugh  her
           unu~u.JI comest  a1  one of San  Francisco'5 wildest leather bars.   hearty  laugh.  Her  cooking  was  legend
      104  TOUGH CUSTOMERS                                                and we .;all tried to keep on her good side
      106  PARTINC SHOT                                                   along about Christmas cookie lime when
           You'll cream when you see it/                                  they would deliver the Ingredients by the
                                                                 But Marge really never had any
                                                                          other side than a good one.
                                                                            Then she moved to Alaska to be near
     Ct111t•r  Mlclc1"f Sfluirc' abusing hi\ uniform ~1111/1 a 1111/e 1pl/.Jbu e (from rhe vl11l>0 IOYJ of   her son and daughter. The 11ew$ arrived
     S.-ll·AbuW!J.  phmo  by  PJrrick  Nunn.  Opf)<>Ji1e  Pa1o1e  SM-the  liel  th;it  bind.   Just  before our press time that during an
                                                                          operation  her great and generous hear1
                                                                          finally gave out.
                                                                            The  mullitude  of  friends  in  the  gay
                                                                          community will  miss  her along with her
                                                                          friends .:u  Drummer. -30-. Marge.
                                                                                                 DRUMMER  3
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