Page 189 - An Historical Perspective of the Covers, Mastheads, Contents, and Staff of DRUMMER Magazine
P. 189

Alternate Publishing: John H. Embry, Publisher
                 John W. Rowberry, Associate Publisher — Robert Payne, Editor

       "If o mon does not keep
      pace  with  his  compan-
      ions perhaps It Is because
      f'le  hears  o  different
      drummer  Lei him step to
      the music Which ne hears.
      however measured or for
      away                                                                    We  were  curious  as  to  wha1  would
         Henry David  Thoreau                                               happen when the media finally had their
                                                                            hand\ on the informa11on that screen star
                                                                            Rock  Hudson has AIDS.  Now w<>  know.
         6  RUBBER:  STRETCHING THE LIMITS  by Aaron Travis                 Mag1mne\  that  wouldn't  mention  the
            An  elasric  fantasy  about  synthetic  desire   and  clinging   word  or  which,  like  1he  present
            pha11toms •••                                                   admlnimatlon.  had  a  dcflnhe nollcy or
        10  METAMORPHOSIS by Marl<  I.  Chester                             ignoring  the  problem,  now  have  rheir
            He is  New York man/urban survivor. White Punk. Rubber Boy.     version of AIDS information (which we in
            An explorer imo the outer reaches ... Boy Wonder meet\ Mad      the gJy community have known about lor
            Max in a mixture of rubber and leather.                         more  I ime  than  we ever w.inted  to)  all
                                                                            over  1hcir  cover~.  rhe  coverage  1~
        18  THE BOX                                                         p·red1oable  w1lh  TIME  and NfWSWEEK
            The  object  Ii sensory  control.  The  vehicle  i>  The  Box.  Once   being obJeet1ve and above ii <111, PfOPLl
            inside,  you may never be the same ...
                                                                            wallowing In it and LIFE'!> saeamin8 front
        21  REPORT                                                          cover with very little in(ormauon inside.
            The latc51 on the macho scene, from nekkirl cop~ ro new life in   Bui  we  have  to  t.ike  our  ha1  lor
            the South of Market  ~cene.                                     somcthingl  off  to  the  NI\ TIONl\L
        24  MALECALL                                                        ENQUIRER.  We can  think of no time in
        28  DRUMMER DADDIES                                                 which they have sunk quite as low. within
            Raunchy feet. potent cigars-the kid 1u  t can't get  enough.    rccen1  memory.  Nol  even  Jerry  Falwell
                                                                            would have publicly put out lhc hogwash
        32  DRUMSTICKS
                                                                            I hey slapped into" hurried front paise  A\
        33  SAVAGE ACTION SECTION:                                          usual  what  followed  m\ide had not too
            THE DRUMMER MENAGERIE                                           much  10  do with  the  hec1cJlhung.  There
            Three  wild and  wooly  stories  to  quell thme end-of-summer   were  no facts, of coum~ The ENQVIRCR
            blues. Hal de Compean cells che tale of Mutt, about a young man   has  ne1rer  been  known  for  fact~.  Ju~t
            who likes  It  ruff.  Don Perry's 11ew serial Fly takes  wing, about a   quotes  from  unknown  pc~ons claiming
            superTop wlch an unsatisfied anal urge. And David May returns   the  Dyn,J>ty  cait  was  .ighast  at  having
            with Jason, Cat, a story of mystery, leather and lurking feline   been  exposed  to  Rock  Hudson  during
            suspense.                                                       both  t.ipintt and  rehed1>als. There was a
        51  LEATHER  NOTEBOOK                                               ~tatcment from another unnamed source
                                                                            quoting  co-star  Linda  Fvans,  tht'n  John
        SJ  SPECIAL  CATALOG SUPPLEMENT: THE SOURCE                         Forsy1h, that one or the other had l.1ssed
            You  need iCf  NeecJ it  bad/ 1 ry The  Source.                 him repeatedly and  wa~ now rrlghtened
        69  DEAR  SIRI                                                      to death. Even one supposedly (rom Joan
            The  man-to-man classified'> to bear all other !                Collins, who certainly must  be aware of
        89  DRUMMEOIA MOVIES                                                the  dangers  of  venereal  disease.
            Picking the rough rrade out of a glut of marshmallow summer     mou1hlng  hogw;ish  which she  probably
            flicks.  we  give  the  once-over to Rambo.  Thunderdome, and   never mouthed.
            Silver ado.                                                      But  tha1  isn't all  you  get  for  your 60«.
                                                                           Another unnaml'd ~ource quot~ Nancy
        9S  DRUMMEDIA PRESS                                                 Reagan  dS  )imilarly  thc1t  Mr.
            The shame of the New York Native: The most virulent anti-SM
            tirade  in  years  has  surfaced in  the pages  of a respected gJy   Hudson  wa  invited to a ~tat~ dinner at
                                                                           the Whhc House and exposed everyone
                                                                           there to his lo;ith~ome dl~ea\e.
       101  ORUM by Bill  Ward                                               We  doubt  any  and  all  of  this  and
       104  SAFE.SEX SLA\IESCHOOL by Max Exander                           fcrverntly  hope  ~ome  or  these
            A ne~v vision of care and training rn the 1980s.               quoted individual  sue the living hell out
                                                                           o( the CNQU/RfR. which. God !.now), is
            More rubber-this TC'~ goc  the metchiest wardrobe around!      no  ~tranger  lo  law,u1l!i  Perhap,,  we
                                                                           suggest. just In the name of .J  rather nice
       113  SLAVES OF THE EMPIRE                                           guy who ha~ had to live in the closet all or
            Al l<i:.t;  Aaron Travis' Roman epic is hot off the press/     his professional lire. When you win, and if
       118  IN PASSING                                                     you collect. give 1he money tn his name to
                                                                           one of the many causcsaroundwhich can
                                                                           be  of  Immeasurable  help  to  similar
      Cci.('f. Our youn1t rovrrmt1n •lr1k~ ,, comm1mclmg poic (p/1rno by P111rlrk Nunn); Jnd
      (ht1po•1/I• (><#81') 11 'h c.tuj(hl in .:i  fompH>m,./nR po,l11on (Photo  by Ht'nry DryovJR<')   victims who haven't such a newsworthy
      WI''// 1.-.kc him .my wo1y  Wl' c<1n  Hl'I h1ml                      name.
                                                                             In the meantime. Mr. Hud~on, God be
                                                                           with  you.  Your  1lln~s may  accomplish
                                                                           more than you ever dreamed througholll
                                                                           your very creditable CJrecr.
                                                                                              -John II. £mbry
                                                                                                   DRIJl.fl.tCR  S
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